Anyone that reads the Suggestion board will see that I tried to get rid of my mice infestation by chasing them down with a lawn mower. Then I realized how gross it would be if I caught one of them with it.
That's not quickly. Think about the time between putting the mouse in the bag to finally running it over. You let it freak out for a good two minutes, anticipating something horrible. MONSTER. Should have just snapped its tiny neck and had it over with. As for the cat thing, I like them because they're assholes. Every day we try to assert who is the better species. Some days, human wins, some day cat wins. Either way, we're locked in an eternal power struggle, with neither of us prepared to kill the other, like Batman and the Joker, only more insane because the Joker never pooped on Batman's bed.
75 ferals =/= pets. edit: and they probably weren't euthanized because our beyond shitty building manager was too lazy to drive all the way to the Humane Society. I think he was dumping them off at other feral colonies.
Pssh I haven't found an animal yet (on this continent) that could survive a .44 magnum. Animals are our bitches. I didn't see a cat land on the moon. People>everything else.
Katey Sagal was on Stern this morning and I've decided that she has the sexiest fucking voice I've ever heard. She could read me a damn cook book and I'd still get hard.
Our cat doesn't like coming into the kitchen or living room... the attack Yorkie doesn't like her being in there. She usually spends her day in the laundry/storage room because the dog can't get in there.
Whoa whoa whoa, you make it sound like reciting a cookbook wouldn't get you hard in the first place. I get hard just thinking about them. I'd flat out pop after she read the first sentence of Terre a Terre. I'd be sleeping like a baby that night.
My parents never let me watch Married With Children because they were worried it would "corrupt me." Little did they know.
My mother thought the show was repulsive, my dad loved it. And may I state for the record RIGHT NOW that the "Steve Years" were WAY funnier than the "Jefferson Years". End of story.
Loved MWT when it was on. I always wanted to be in the studio audience on that show because MWT's studio audience was always really vocal and it seemed like it'd be a lot of fun to be in it. The thought of being able to stand up and scream like an idiot just because Al Bundy walked on the set had me grinning.
At first I was concerned that she lost half of her bottoms, but then I found it. Damn you optical illusions!