That movie was fucking tense for a kid's flick. Plus it marked an auspicious moment in film, the final appearance of a bangable Sarah Jessica Parker. That chick used to be cute before she turned into horse jerky. I've watched a couple 70's flicks that have gone under the radar in past years. A bunch of those 70's jobs had atmosphere for days. The Changling with George C. Scott. About a widower that moves into a haunted house. We've heard this story before, but this was one of the first do do it. And it is done way more effectively. Some FUCKED UP noises going on. The Sentinel. Another haunted house story. Ridiculous ending, but it has one of Christopher Walken first roles, non-speaking. He just looks goofy standing there, occasionally grinning. Eyes of Laura Mars with a very young Tommy Lee Jones. Another terrible ending with a shit ton of plot holes, but the build up is great. A photographer is connected to a murder and sees the killings as they happen. These sound familiar? Amazing how much shit gets ripped off, especially in horror. The best one I've seen in a while though was The Orphanage. Spanish, Guillermo Del Toro involved. Hot damn that one got under my skin. They're doing an unnecessary English version soon.
My most prized hunting clothing was worn by my grandpa and given to me after he died. I dunno man, I can't say I've killed any big old bucks but the deer I've shot didn't seem to mind my tan Carhartts and blaze vest. Seriously if I was wearing the scent-proof stuff I'd be afraid of letting a massive fart rip and fucking it all up. That can't be good for it. But... Gore Tex and polar fleece are fucking awesome, and so is merino wool. Otherwise I keep it simple.
I'm not too familiar with hunting clothing. Do they sell super thin but warm undergarments? El husband is planning on using a lot of his military camo for hunting when he gets out. He used the desert camo for his training deployment so they are pretty worn, but they also made him buy the darker forest looking stuff and he has only worn them for a few of training days/weekends and plans on getting some good use out of them one way or another. If he has the chance to go somewhere to hunt that is cold or somewhere during winter, he'll need a layer underneath. PS: he is also freakishly tall. I am thinking I might have some difficulties finding this kind of clothing for him down the line.
I wear polypropylene long underwear as a base layer for active or early season hunting and have heavy fleece long underwear for stand hunting in cold weather. It kinda depends if he will be moving around a bunch or sitting still. If in doubt, I'd go with the polypropylene. It's awesome stuff.
Deer have a something like 250 smell receptors compared to our 5 million. Even if you dressed head-to-toe in scent eliminating clothing, they're still capable of smelling the cigarette ashes stuck to the bottom of your boots. I have buddies who are diesel mechanics, smoke in the stand, and still kill big deer.
Has anyone else seen the British series Supersize vs Superskinny? The premise is awesome, take a morbidly obese person and a dangerously underweight person and make them eat each others diet for a week to teach them how to eat properly. It's complete with the host giving half assed shots at popular fad diets to "expose" them. And of course takes pot shots at America because at least they're not that bad.
I was at a hunting shop yesterday and had to laugh at the variety (and quantity) of scent-blocking body washes, shampoo, and soap alone. Maybe it indeed works, but it reeks of bullshit to me. Then again I am a low-tech deer hunter and just wanna put some venison in the freezer.
Re: Re: Weekend Drunk Thread 10/19/12 - 10/21/12 But he's got a purty mouth.. That scent lok shit is for suckers and hunters from the city who are more concerned with how they look in the woods. I use carhartts and insulated boots that I was wearing in the bar the night before. Shit doesn't bother the deer at all.
The funny thing is I hunted with a few guys that were into that, they had all their shit scent blocked from head to toe, they made sure to spray themselves before we left camp for the 6 mile atv ride up the mountain where they rode behind me and got 45 minutes of exhaust fumes all over their newly descented selves. You wann kill shit, be quiet, get a good pair of binos and get off your ass and walk.
I finished my last practical exam at 8:30 Thursday morning, we don't have class today because of a conference, and final exams start Tuesday. I've done absolutely NO studying yet. I have done, however, a lot of working out and napping. That counts, right?
Luxembourg city: bumper to bukper traffic, and unllike the Dutch, nobody wants to let you in. Once you're out of traffic, you're on a winding mountain road you've never been down before and some luxembourgish asshole is tailgating you because, hey, you have a few centimetres between you and the bus and the curb, why are you driving only 60 km/h?
I'm scouting a 40 acre plot tomorrow for some deer hunting in a month or so. Super excited just to get in da woods and explore some, even if I don't bring a gun along.
Also, the currency is still worth something. For now. Listening to a conversation circulating between french, portuguese and italian. wonder everything costs so much here, everyone has to speak two languages minimum.