People actually like dub step? I thought it was just one of those things that existed and everybody not-so-secretly hated. It has dropped 30 degrees over the last few days. I declare this Grilled Cheese And Tomato Soup Day. Also, I have cousins who went to the Luke Bryan/Jason Aldean concert this weekend. Who likes them? I think I'd take dubstep every day of the week, continuously before that rubbish.
I've never heard a dubstep song being played anywhere around here. There aren't that many clubs in my city, but still. The weather is kind of strange at the moment. Yesterday I had to put on my winter coat and we had ice on the roads, today everything's fine and I can go out with a normal sweatshirt without instantly freezing to death.
I remember when they were comparing young Tono Romo to young Brett Favre. Maybe he will send out some dick pics and end it all now.
Your post made me think "Hey, I wonder what Andy C is up to these days": And for good measure, here's an unforgettable classic of the genre:
Obviously no one here does party drugs, because they make dubstep sound like the beatboxing of angels.
I shamelessly stole Ghetto's Lance Armstrong costume idea last night, but mentally glossed over just how embarrassing it is wearing a cycling helmet and clear glasses at a dance club all night. Wait, what am I talking about? I'm a guy so I don't care what I look like. Just 100% pure, unadulterated man like you read about.
Genre. Dropping the bass is like bringing someone to the brink of orgasm and then being like, "Yeah, alright, I'll let you come now."
*BZZZZZZZZZZ* That's actually where I draw my line with dubstep. A lot of things I normally don't like sound good on ecstasy, like Lock n' Load for example. However, dubstep still sounds shitty. There are few songs with that style that sound good. It's music snoring. Bad. BAD. BAD!!!! It's a sub-genre, pioneered by a trio of DJs (according to several rumours). They take the measure of a song and throw the entire low-end up to eleven so it sounds like the speakers are clipping. It throws the tempo all over the place like a pinball as well like breakbeat, so it's hard to keep up with it. Skrillex is probably to most popular DJ that uses it, and I think he sucks and his "look" makes me want to push him down a flight of stairs. Where was I? It's usually in breakbeat-style songs. It rarely works. Sometimes if you use it as a partial element in a song, it really kicks ass. Like so (from Pewpewpow, if you like this music):
I think...that I may have been supposed to evacuate. The hurricane evacuation zone map thing wouldn't load for me so I thought "Meh, I'll wing it" but now I'm thinking that was like a start to a horror movie. All of my roommates aren't here, and that has never happened. Especially with the one of them, who has never had a sleepover anywhere else, ever. I fell asleep at 8:30 and woke up a few minutes ago and I was automatically scared. I don't know why, but it's probably because I'm just disoriented, or it's probably because I'm doomed. Whatevs, if it happens it'll be just like how I always imagined it happening: alone, curled up in my bed with my cat, and watching Hocus Pocus as the water slowly rises all around me. We'll be just like that old couple in Titanic.
I can't remember what you're supposed to do if you don't evacuate. Stand under a doorframe? Chain yourself to a bathtub? Or wait, don't chain yourself to a bathtub? Just buy some floaties, you'll be fine.