It's not as bad as how fucking excited people got when a fucking Ikea opened around me. I didn't know Trader Joes was good for bulk spices Ill check it out. I usually go to foreign specialty stores that usually have spices at half the price of regular stores or the huge specialty store around me.
I don't live in NYC, but I echo this sentiment exactly. Buying mostly produce, their amazing and cheap hummus, and other assorted items I usually make out about 15-20% cheaper than I would at Jewel or Dominicks. Except for their meat. I get their marinated chicken breasts, cause the pesto and curry varieties are awesome, but the rest of their meat, especially beef, is pretty expensive, and not just for grass fed. However, their ground turkey is by and large cheaper, random. Either way, I go there alot because its an interesting variety, the prices are right, the staff is unflinchingly friendly and helpful (moreso than other stores, at least my two TJs I go to.), and there are a lot of yoga pants.
I kicked my iced tea over on the subway and none of it spilled. I think it's going to be a good week.
Seconded. I bought his cd a while back, and he's definitely maybe in my top-5 currently active comedians. Which is saying a lot.
Oh, yes, and this. The WF near me is always crammed full of smoking hot 20-somethings in athletic gear and MILFs of all ages. I have to say, if I had the money, I'd shop at WF all the time just for the more pleasant shopping experience. There are far fewer idiots blocking aisles, morbidly obese people moving at 0.2mph, and asshats on cellphones ignoring the world around them.
Until last week, I would say the Whole Foods in Union Square was one of the least pleasant shopping experiences I've ever had. Forget about everything being overpriced and it being packed to the gills with pretentious people, any supermarket where I have to pay attention to numbers and colors just to check out is going to remind me of the DMV.
Given that it's a struggle for me to stay focused amidst all the beautiful bodies perkily bouncing through the store, I suspect that I've never encountered chroma-numeric exam at any point during checkout. Unless the question was, "what color yoga pants did the brunette in the halter top have on?"
El husband often talks longingly of some of the food at Trader Joe's that he wishes we had here--namely, their sausage. Sorry babe, all we're getting is the $2 kielbasas from the commissary. You're going to cover it in sauerkraut and you're going to like it!
Everyone has said all the above about food and they're mostly correct. Trader Joe's usually has better looking women (customers and employees) and god bless their hearts. They even shave their armpits, some of the women who work at Whole Foods, I'm not so sure about. Trader Joe's also has Two Buck Chuck, the greatest wine ever made. Trader Joe's does win in the "pre-made food" department by a longshot. Us 20 somethings are busy and can't be bothered cooking real food. We either have hangovers to earn or hangovers to fight off.
YES! I forgot to mention this. My sister lived in California for a couple years and always had 2 buck chuck floating around her house in great quantities. She would also bring it through the airport with her when she came for visits in Texas. She said it was like a secret club. She's have the 2 buck chuck with her in an area far from a Trader Joe's, and some couple would be rolling a whole case of that shit behind them, and they would exchange a look and a small nod. All they were missing was the secret handshake. PS: how do you even get wine on a plane nowadays? Checked bags I guess? This happened like 9 years ago, so maybe the rules have changed.
I'm beginning to question the news here seeing how they apparently forgot to mention the best thing about the store.
I once ran into Keira Knightley in the Whole Foods on Wilshire in Santa Monica. I nearly ran into her, literally. With my cart, I said whoops, sorry, she laughed and smiled. I nearly feel in love right there. She is stunning in person. I actually texted my girlfriend at the time and told her how close she had come to losing me.
This is why I didn't mention it. It's not nearly the steal it once was, you can get better boxed wine cheaper.
Two buck Chuck is like the Yuengling of wines. Yes, it's pretty good for the price, but it's not nearly good enough to be out scavenging cases of it. There are plenty of substitutes.
I can't believe two of my classmates have already died of cancer. I've been out of school, what, 18 months? I'm dicking around Europe on a tasking that gives new meaning to the word "undeserved" and they were getting chemo and fucking bone marrow transplants.