I would absolutely go attend that. I would like to posit the idea of having this gathering in Hawaii. How fucking great would that be? (And of course, then I wouldn't have to travel a million miles)
Nigga, please. Every post you've made in this thread has been fawning over her body's response to an open wound, her pain tolerance, and how many babies you thought she pushed out of her vagina. Though it must be convenient to not have to brush your own teeth anymore.
But how many would have the balls to bring a hairbrush? That being said, I'd be up for it. Drinking contest and all.
You are absolutely right. I should take my pictures of naked women and my brown nose and leave this place. Then the board could enjoy your uninterrupted 'talking to hear myself speak' monologues. High five for the best idea of the night!
Uh oh. Dcc's come down with a case of the vapours. Apply some leeches to bring your humours back into balance and I'll call you in the morning to see if you're feeling better.
Encore w/ Yuengling Watching all the shit I recordd lst night when I was drunk Scotchcrotch as a drunkard loves his Boy Meets World.
you kidding? "SLF" see how many times I get punched in the face. And you seriously doubt the number of degenerate alcoholics on this board? Hell, 50 of us would probably drink the bar dry. And this just seems appropriate: How to Drive Fast on Drugs While Getting Your Wing-Wang Squeezed and Not Spill Your Drink http://www.heretical.com/miscella/reptile.html
[/quote] We'd have to spring for the "Irish Wedding" catering service. Luckily a few of you make good money, right???
Of course. I'm just calling it now before everyone else does. I'm looking at my crystal ball and see crying, fires, grand theft auto, and poop. I suspect Shegirl is involved in that last one. Any gathering that doesn't involve Hotwheelz and Pimptress doing what she does best on his behalf will be a shame on us all.
Bear in mind the number of college students on this board who take pride in drinking the cheapest, shittiest booze available. We'll have it at nettdata's Fortress of Solitude, and prevent him from locking up the wine cabinet. It's only fair.
We'd be out of our minds to have it in Vancouver. It's rainy, grey, expensive and full of every idiot in the world right now. I say southern Ontario. It's as close as a location in Canada gets to being 'central.'
Yeah, how about Windsor. Being from Southeast Michigan I spent some good times there between the ages of 19 and 21. I met and talked to a homeless guy for 20 minutes walking the wrong way from the hotel I was trying to find. Had I done that stuff across the river in Detroit, I most likely would have been robbed, shot, or raped. That Windsor is a nice town.
In that case let's make sure this would be scheduled in the middle of July, so the rest of us can experience weather conditions other than "really fucking cold."