That's a slippery slope my friend. Next thing you know you'll be naked on a bus singing Christmas carols with a guy that looks like Ernie from Always Sunny, contemplating the best way to break into the local animal shelter and free all the dogs. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Hahaha, it is fucking gross!! I can't stop staring at it.... I feel like I've had a couple Salty Dog's already.
So did anyone else know that today is "Great Guinness Toast" day? Well, so much for having an easy night.
A good beginning to the weekend. I was in an altered state of mind when I took these, so they're appropriate for the thread. Unemployment has its benefits. The bluffs at Montauk Point. Now on to brown liquor. Suck my dickbeans, forthcoming snowstorm.
Scabbage is weird when it is so deep. The doc says it is looking "awesome" which I presume to mean normalish. Edited to add: I almost forgot, the mexican clinic I went to used this deep blue spray lidocaine on my wounds to scrub them, I think that is what it really is, stained tissue. Hopefully it goes the fuck away... I'm watching The Hulk and goddamn, Edward Norton is sexy.
That's so fucking strange. I've had some retardidly bad roadrash from moutain biking, some where I still have the scars ten years later and none of them were looking like that. On topic: Games night tonight with roommates and friends, yes, we're nerdy but fuck you. Tomorrow, it's my roommate/friends birthday. He's born on the leap year so he's technically only 6 1/2 right now but we're going all out. Headed to Ruth Chris's for dinner, followed by a couple hours at the casino and the meeting the women folk at the bar. I figured I won't be sleeping much tomorrow and I definitely will not be coherent.
Coming from the woman that looks like she has been biten by 30 brown recluses! I accidentally just drank a bottle of wine while I was was waiting for my codeine to kick in... Oops...
Self exploratory drinking night. One of those get super drunk and examine your life. Sadly, my personal life is pretty goddamn nice with the serious problem of a lack of finances... I mean, I'm not about to be homeless or anything, and I'm able to feed myself, but... I wish someone would give me $6,000 right now. Anyone? Anyone? Does anyone have any ideas how a guy can make $6k quick without having to pleasure an old lady? PS. Drinking a heavy beer now, have a Stone Smoked Porter chilling in the fridge, may resort to a Bud or two if it's too warm when I finish this guy. Founders Old Curmudgeon, an oak aged ale, heavy vanilla on the tongue, heavier on the nose, very nice. 9% methinks.
Raise your hand if you thought this meant the same thing that I did at first. If you're willing to sacrifice some dignity for it, there a member of this board who could hook you up with some cash money real quick. He's a viking lawyer Megazord cowboy and loves him some hairbrushes. Bring petroleum jelly.
Hey, do you want that 6K or not? I am currently contemplating a walk out to the liquor store to buy some exotic beer, or perhaps doing some desperately needed reading for school. Perhaps both. 3.5 hours left on the roast before I pull it out of the roasting bag and throw it back in the oven at 400. I am in love with the concept: 7 bucks for a giant hunk of pork plus a buck or two on seasoning equals delicious sandwich meat for the next week.
not that bad. where do you live? I could recommend some beers. STATE ONLY. I'm not creepy enough to care about anything else.
Six pack of Trader Joe's Simple Times Lager - in the can of course. Total cost is about $4.50 and the beer is 6.2%. Tastes like someone melted a little steel into Yuengling, but it's better than light beer and it's cheaper.
I live in Ontario. My selection of beer is highly dependent on the liquor store I'm near. Overall, it's not bad, but there's plenty of good beer that I don't have access to because the state-run monopoly discourages the liquor store from actually doing a good job of carrying a diverse selection of hooch.