Yeah, but if fracturing your nut is anywhere near as painful as I think it is, you wouldn't want to get a boner. "like a grape" ....shudder. In other news, I can either switch to Bud Light, Svedka, or Seagrams 7, as I no longer want to waste my "good beers"
I had a middle aged guy and a blonde (but not hot) student doing my ultrasound; it was her first time doing a testicular ultrasound. Thank christ she wasn't hot, because I managed to not pop wood during the procedure. Putting the gel on tickled. But having a nice warm ball massage felt curiously good.
Goddammit people. Just got back from the store, and made a run specifically to get delicious grapes only to find this waiting for me upon my return. They just went back in the fridge and might not come back out.
Can you please explain what a 'rainbow call' and what 'dress up like a rainbow for her' means. Edit: Quotes fixed bitches.
Because it was all my fault getting hit and I was to proud to admit my stupidity I didn't go see the doctor for a few weeks. Had absolutely no issues keeping it down for the doctor as he was old about 6'5 and built like a brick wall. Ultrasound was another story, you're right that cool gel with the warm ultrasound sensor is awesome. Pap as for the rainbow, I have no explanation except to say I was massively drunk last night.
fixed. And what a cowinkedink, "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts" just popped up on my itunes. Fitting. And Bud Light and Svedka won. Off to play some CoD. Hit me up if you want some easy kills. I'll probably be back later after I can't even get noob tube kills to embarrass myself even more than admitting to having that song on my itunes. Keep your nuts safe.
Anybody have any cool stories about testicular torsion? You don't understand, this shit is like dirty talk for me.
Anyone watching this MILF on the Canadian Women's Curling team? I have a new reason to love Canadia, eh!
.... .... ... Is it midnight yet? No? Fuck.... I always gauge if my night was too short lived by whether or not I was completely bamfuckstiened by midnight... Well, Despite that, I'm sick, so I have EL EXCUS-O!!!! Hey YALL. Yo! No more talk of hurties and ouchies... Those are gross. Lets focus more on these:
I just did a Google image search for testicular torsion (obviously, I hate myself). Dear God. I don't want to look any further to get the answer to this question, so maybe one of the men can help me out: Are they always purple/black and swollen during torsion!?! And because this is a horrible discussion, here are pictures to make y'all happy: NSFW Spoiler Spoiler
It's 7:15pm in Hawaii, and everyone's still talking about breaking balls? Have a drink and look at Pinkcup's post. Enough with the slammed nuts already, I'm trying to enjoy my beer. Mahalo for your kokua. That's some straight up Hawaiian right there! Go team Haole!
Next time you want to bring Keeley Hazell's heavenly breasts to the table, be a doll and bring high-quality pics. She deserves only the best. As an aside, does anyone know where I could find the bra in the first picture? My ex has wanted it ever since she first saw this picture, and we've both looked for over a year, to no avail.
Ola! Muy es contenta muy soy akey! Bailamos! Motherfuckamos! El Mariaachi esta muy paglamos! por que? EL BUTT FUCKO!!! sI, EL vIG-TAM-LE-VOUS! PAUL TAG-LES-VOUS! (He's the former NFL Commissioner!)
hahahah so I just had a nice conversation with a couple fine gentleman from the Sheriff's Department. I answered the door shirtless, barely wearing pants, a good 10ish drinks in. For once though it wasn't me vs. cops, I guess they're looking for my townhouse neighbor. I think a celebratory drink is in order. and maybe time to find an afterparty, seeing as how I couldn't afford the club/bars tonight.