Holy shit Almost Famous is on. I love this movie but at the same time I hate it. Why oh why couldn't I have done that? What ever happened to rock and fucking roll?
The NeverEnding Story was just on TV and I watched it with leaving the couch once. By all accounts it's considered a "kid" film, but it's timeless. Falcore is STILL amazing looking, and G'mork (the wolf) is still creepy as fuck. "Wildly Imaginitive" doesn't begin to describe the art direction and script for this movie. One of Jim Henson's finest hours. Dear Hollywood:You're already about to commit heresy when you trample Back To The Future into shit chowder with a Shia LaBouf remake, please leave this one untouched.
Christ. How rare is it to get sober after being wildly drunk, before you go to sleep? It's not a comfortable feeling to have a record of it, either...
BeerFarts are only seconded to BeerDumps in terms of horribleness. For your viewing and hearing pleasure:
I'm going to say Double Double Pizza farts are the worst for THIS area of the country. You could gag a Brazilian pimp from 50 feet away.
I mean, the pimp thing I think I get. If you're not pimping top-notch hoes who know how smell nice for Daddy, hygiene is overlooked and their cockpouches could get extra gamey. But the Brazilian thing is over my head. Is that country known for its malodorous sex workers?
Interesting thought. Naturally, a pimp who specializes in farting whores will become acclimated to the scent pretty quickly. He knows it's bad, but he doesn't care. Like working in a fish market or a paper mill, except he stacks way more paper. New life plan: become a pimp who specializes in farting whores.
Wow, make one comment while high and a philosopihical debate ensues. Gotta love it. Truthfully, I only said it because BRazil's citites are filled with hellholes beyond comprehension and I figured A pimp from theat country would have no shame or morals whatsoever.
Well, I was supposed to go out to a nice dinner for kind of a belated Valentines Day dinner and then go to a bar to celebrate my friend's birthday and get shitty drunk on the one day of the week where I actually can. Until the skies decided to dump more snow/sleet/wintery mix bullshit all over us. So now I guess I will sit home on the couch in my pajamas drinking wine, watching men's ice dancing or whatever crap the Olympics has decided is good saturday night viewing, and slip into an even deeper depression due to not seeing the sun in 97 days and counting.
Agreed, except apparently Newark has made a huge comeback thanks to their Batman-like mayor Cory Booker. I've never heard a silver tongue like this man has. Of course, he's attacking a tank with a toothpick, but he's reduced violent crime severely since in office.