Was absolutely blind shattered last night, was awesome. Found out a few things about the night before to patch in the black spots, also I have come to the conclusion that I should be banned from phone use when drunk.
Indeed. Booker has done great things for Newark. If you're ever in NYC I would highly recommend heading into Newark for a Devils Game via mass transit. That area of the city has become much, much nicer and the areas around it are improving greatly as well. It's not quite back to where it was 60 some odd years ago (the city used to be REALLY nice) but it's getting there.
A spare bedroom is opening up in my friend's apartment in April, and he told me last week that it's mine if I want it. It's a room I was offered once before when they first got the place, but turned it down because he was moving in with his girlfriend of 7 months, and it seemed like a disaster waiting to happen. They figure out they took things way too fast, they break up, they argue about who pays what rent, etc., and I'm stuck dealing with all the bullshit. No thanks. They're still together a year later, though, and they seem relatively stable, so I'm reconsidering, especially since it's a nice place and affordable as shit considering the neighborhood. Anyone have experience rooming with a couple? Did any issues arise that I'm not thinking about?
Damn I'm bored. We were supposed to go see a movie tonight but the husband still isn't home. This may be a replay of last weekend where he fucks up my plans yet again. I live in BFE so the late show is at 9 and the theater is 30 minutes away, so if he's not home in the next hour or so it's not going to happen. In the meantime I'm drinking a beer and contemplating taking pictures for the boobie thread...
She's ridiculously smart, too. She has a math theorem named for her; I think she has her PhD in math and she currently writes books on how to get young kids interested in math and why it's important. Actually, all of the kids from that show turned out great. Unlike most childhood stars, who are typically fucked up cokeheads whose parents stole all their money.
Gary OLDMAN!!! Dammit, if you were on these painmeds you would have trouble spelling too!! Edited to inquire: How have I failed you AGAIN?!
BuDy and I finished hanlde of Jack. Fuck yo U motherfuckers!!!!!! Dog and pony act trying to represent the 411 when you don't know hshit!! Damn communisits, stipid Sarah Palin is a dumb jew cunt. Put your fucking Trig kid in a blender and make a retard milkshake. Fuckm alll!!!!b
What's the difference between Sarah Palin's mouth and her vagina? Only some of the things that come out of her vagina are retarded.
Instead, you posted pictures of your shoulder. Like that would have tricked us or something. I know this is the Idiot Board, but Christ, give us SOME credit.
I don't go around resenting the lack of penis exposure! I enjoy looking at a nice cock, but I don't expect everyone to send me a pic because I think they may be attractive. I don't think it is my right to see it. Bloody heathens...
Way to open Pandora's Box there, sister. I recommend not clicking any links in PMs for a while. Particularly ones that link to a Photobucket account.
Hey, now. Give HER some credit. Only PIMPTRESS could post a picture of nothing but her shoulder and have it be impressive enough that everyone who saw it gasped and stared in fascination. And, a bit of horror, but still.