So, um, earlier this week I posted a rant/rave about toytoy88 going missing. Does anyone have an update on this?
Yeah, what the fuck about toytoy? I think queenbee said she had his personal phone number or some shit. Sadly enough I have lost sleep over this. WHERE ARE YOU TOYTOY? I don't want to be the only drunken hilljack on this board.
I didnt lose anysleep over it, but I do believe he is in jail/ prison. The dumbass posted regularly about his lack of respect for anything on his 40 acres. And how he thought he could shoot anything not welcome. My guess is he shot at the wrong thing. Also, I thought his downfall was hilarious. He went from a regualr poster with a southern twang to a retarded hillbilly in roughly 60 days. Seriosuly, it was funny as fuck. Anyone remember him from RMMB days? He wasnt nearly as dumb as he was here.
I was referring to his "last" post. Something about his brain fucking up? You're betting on jail, but unless he killed 100 bald eagles, he would be at home by now. My guess is hospital or death. But hopefully not.
I always got the impression that he was desperately seeking attention, and found the "hillbilly that does stupid shit" angle worked out well for him in that regard. Sure, I think we all have varying degrees of that, but he was a little over the top to me. How much of the crazy shit he said he did, he actually did, who knows... but I tend to think he might have had some sort of accident or "watch this" incident, rather than a run-in with the law. Or, he very well may have lost everything he had (he was always going on about how he was broke, couldn't find a job, etc), and just has no internet connection right now. Worst case, he might have had too much moonshine and Ambien, and is no more. I always thought he was a funny character to have around, but I'm not losing sleep over it. Lots of people on the TMMB came and went... it's just one of those things. And I may be a bit (lot) drunk, but thought a "what happened to toytoy" thread, with a focus on the absurd/funny, would have been funny as hell.
I jut realized I was only sexually excited about the shebeast in Grind/Supertramp's/Scrappy Doo's picture (that is totally his virgin girlfriend). As for Bourbondownthehouse who seems to be furiously masturbating to the small chance that I might be a lesbian, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW AHAHA
I'm too drunk to get it up thank you very much. But I swear to god your fucking posts are asexual. JUST FUCKING TELL US.
Asi recall toytoy didnt want a job. He had leanred how to live off the land, selling various pieces of equipment. He also told me once he had a shit ton of land in Nevada that he sold so he could retire. And it was around that time when he went from a car enthusiast living in the woods, to girzzly adams with a raccoon instead of a bear. I think you are right, he road the dumb redneck thing to the max. Much like pimptress did they open marriage thing, and supertramp/grind did the comedian thing.
How do you know? I won't trust someone dumb enough to live in a place where giant waves can crush them.
If by giant wave you mean giant wave of unwarranted concern then I guess you're right. And I'm not going to search through his posting record to show you the numerous times he has clarified his sex to people like you that don't know it, but rest assured they are there.
I know, it was great, I had messages from people on here telling me to run for the hills and wondering if I was ok. Thanks for the concern TiB.
Rave: it has been 15 years in the coming, but finally it will be ok to whack off in the movie theater again! Rant: No Elizabeth Berkley. FML
USA USA USA USA USA WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! this is going to be an amazing game. North America will have a massive hangover monday. Freedom Candy's gonna kick some ice-cube-chucking-ass. edit: hahha well fuck me. I just refreshed the window, didn't thinik i posted anything. guess it's time for me to go to bed. or text some bad decisions... ...look forward to my rant in the future
You could be a man. You could be a woman. You could be a woman with a dick growing out of her forehead. You could be an ostrich. There's no way to know. I prefer to think you're actually Ashley Greene.
Played guess her cup size with the bartender (32D) and was off a bit but still got a free flashing and her number. Yep, drinking cities rock.