The homeless were transported via buses (many bus trips) to higher ground, per CNN. I've been to Maui many times, and my parents have a fractional ownership there; maybe it's just because I don't go to the right areas, but are there really that many homeless? I'm kind of a nerd when it comes to stuff like that (pretty much all weather-related/natural disaster events) and it was an extreme letdown for me, just watching it. If I was in Hawaii, and I had adequate insurance and everyone I loved was safe, I'd be kind of pissed. Unfortunately, the next time something like this does happen, I imagine there will be quite a few victims simply because there are a lot of idiots out there that I could see getting jaded by false alarms. Glad I live in Texas; other than extreme draught, we're pretty much disaster-free.
We don't live on Maui, we live on Oahu. There are an infinite amount of homeless people here, amplified by the counties repeated failures to do anything productive concerning them. Maui has homeless too, but because Maui is a lot more spread out and isn't really a place you can just walk around, you tend to run into a lot less of them. Most of the homeless over there are in Lahaina, Paia, and Kihei, with Kihei probably having the biggest population. The general rule is, the bums on Maui are more of the hippy variety, and they have some money through family generally. On oahu it's the real deal. Tweakers and alcoholics galore, and yes, they will ALL ask you to bum a cigarette.
You poor bastards. Sounds like the fifth ring of Hell to me. How do you get by living in that repulsive tropical paradise with probably the best health care in America? Should we air-drop supples and set up tents?
It's a bit late for chiming in, but if I recall correctly the NHL is Canadian (as in, founded in Canada*). They're just really friendly with their southern neighbor, and are too polite to say no when we ask for another American team to be put in. It works out pretty well, considering the closeness between the two countries, and the fact that Canada's about as populated as one of the fifty states, it makes sense to share sports leagues. *well, Quebec.
I don't care where you are man, being homeless would royally suck. Especially when the cops forbid you from sleeping basically anywhere.
Well, if we're looking at it in a homeless standpoint, I'd rather be a Hawaii bum this time of year than an Edmonton bum. That way they don't pry your gangreneous carcass off a frozen park bench. At least you can get some rays, non-deadly nights, and only having to dodge the occasional lava flow.
As a bonus, on Kauai if you're any good with snares you should be able to get fresh chicken pretty easily, so it's got that going for it, which is nice.
Maui too man, those fuckers are everywhere. We had a few living in my backyard for awhile that would terrorize my dog. They were fucking badass though, one had this gorgeous blue coat, we called him Little Jerry Seinfeld. Sadly, after months of unsuccessful catious attempts at capturing him, they all moved on to somewhere else. The dog was happy.
God dammit, CTV. I restart my computer and in that timespan, you shut off your stream of the closing ceremonies. Fuck you. Unless I'm mistaken, Texas has a pretty long shoreline on the Gulf of Mexico. Don't hurricanes come through there a dime a dozen? The name Galveston should ring a few bells.
I'm not a smart man. Exam in the morning, but I'm going out for dinner and drinks with some friends. I've weighed the risk/benefits and I've gotta go. There may be a pretty lady that I'm very much interested in in the cards for me. However, I wish I was going out where Pimptress was going out... And we could just "accidentally" bump into each other...
Macallans + Guiness + Hot wings = tapioca coloured abortion from my insides Good night with my family though watching Canada win Gold! My dad has a wonderful collection on scotches and whiskeys from when he went back home to Scotland, and boy he was generous with them tonight! Great way to end a wonderful Olympics talking hockey with your old man, watching Neil Young play and him pouring you scotch neat all night long!
I know. C'mon, NFL, loosen up some more! If they're on a par with Americans, then it's just another thing that will unify people and give Canadians self-respect after the annexation, and if they're not, then that's OK, because no one outside the USA really wants to play American football anyway, right?
So my friend and I just spent oh about 45 minutes whipping up a cover of Barbara Ann. It's terribly silly.
Just got home from downtown Vancouver. Un. Fucking. Believable. I have NEVER seen such pride in being Canadian. It's a great thing.
I became "that guy" when I slept with a married woman last night. I knew she was married and did it anyway, now I'm feeling like a giant sack of self loathing shit. I've known her for over a decade and she was kinda the one that got away. She married this guy after I left town for a few years on navy business and couldn't find me. They got married way too soon and as a result hate each other and will be getting a divorce sometime this year. That should make me feel better about it, but that would be me just trying to justify why I went through with it.
I think we're still a little wary about the queen and all. God damnit. I have to wake up early and prepare this fucking essy for my exam tomorrow now. In the good news category, spent some quality time with a potential "dateable" girl. She's an elementary school teacher and has excellent boobies.