OH MY GOD PEOPLE, big update about the treatment of dry eye: People who work on computers often forget to blink and need to be reminded to blink. So, all of you, right now, for the love of Baby Jesus, BLINK! Your eyes might dry out if you don't.
Friiday night, 7:57 PM. Been at work for 15 minutes. 11 hours and 45 minutes to go until I can sprint to the liquor store, sprint home, and then race myself to the bottom of a bottle of Ketel 1.
Check this out! Night visions goggles. Think they'd be awesome when you're 12? Better yet, we got 'em when we're 19!
It stopped snowing, so I'm off to the bar! In 4 inch heels! Here's hoping I don't fall in the snow. That would be embarrassing. Stay golden pony boys......and girls.
Seriously best friends. Except my heels are 4.5 inches. Suck it. And I mean that in the best possible way.
It took this post for me to actually 'get' Jennitalia's name. After all the time looking at the boobie and booty thread you'd think I would have figured it out...
Ah, girls in heels. I love it. In fact I think I have a website named something like that in my bookmarks.
News! I just broke up with a girl with no drama, no screaming, stalking, and no... raping my pets, or whatever the fuck. So basically, you bunch of nutty fucks lied to me. The world's basically fine, and there aren't crazy boogie-girls hiding behind every corner waiting for the chance to steal my sperm and pretend they're pregnant, or write things on my car, or punch my family. If that stuff happened to you, consider the possibility that you're a mad cunt. We sane people get to live in a fairy land, where whisky's on tap and members of the opposite sex are pretty cool. So sit on it, the lot of you. Hah!
Hmm. If your definition of a 'successful breakup' has to include the fact that no pets were raped, maybe you need to start dating different girls.
Nope. As I said: don't date people with a propensity to rape animals in the first place, and you can avoid a whole lotta problems when you eventually break up.
Drinking my beer of the month and watching season 4 of LOST. Pub and putt tomorrow. Can't think of a better weekend. So how many drinks will it take to get a female board member to solicit her goods tonight? I'm setting the over under at 9.5.
The new Spartacus comes on in a couple minutes. I think this is probably the best new show this season. I can't remember a show where I can't wait for new episodes.
This from the guy who once posted an ongoing poll about how many beers+Ambien he could consume before he passed out. Frailty is on TV right now. That's an awesome movie that got almost no press when it was released. Matthew McConaughey? Yes please. And you know anything with Powers Booth is cool shit.
Began drinking Gerst Bavarian Haus beer (Sold in bottles as Augistiener). Drank a few Brou Czechs. Got to my house at some point. Drank some Busch Light. Ate some fried catfish fillets. Now I wait for something to happen