HEY. lay off off rob. He is indespicable. In the motherfukcer. Maaaaahhhhhthaaaafucker. Mahhthafucker. MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhthaaafucka. I used to be the Mauldicka. (Truemstory- that was my nickname in college) Welkah? I'LL GET THA DARKIE THAHHHHT DID THIS! NO ONE DENIES THIS!
yo wtf am I getting old? I had maybe 6 beers tonight and my stomach is acting all sortsa fucked up and I'm only 22. Fucking budweiser. I think this is what hearburn is?? I had to switch to johnny red. Either way, slowww assss night. Ended up hanging with a couple of friends and drinking and bullshitting a;; night. That is fine usually, but the mood was somber because my friend had some crazy shit go down at his house. It was his nephews birthday and his sister (who is 20 now, had the kid at 16.....yeah real winner) threw a shoe at their father and his younger brother called the cops. That poor fucking kid deserves better than that fucking dead beat bitch who comes to see him once every god damn month, and causes drama everytime she does. Tomorrow should be much better, one of my best friends is having her 23rd birthday party and I havent seen her in a long ass time. Also, I want to fuck her, but cant. She has shown me her titties before though so maybe she'll get wasted and at least let me take a look at those. Fuckkk my esophagus is kiilling me.
Could be heartburn. Could also be a heart attack. You are Pakistani, aren't you? Probably a heart attack, then.
I am. Its cool if its a heart attack though, my people have heart attacks all day son and rebound for a plate of goat curry real ass quick. Thas how a nigga eat.
Easy, dude. Have some bitter gourd and calm down. All that stress will only cause more heart attacks and diabetes.
EFF THAT! i want the un blanched stuff. in my mouth. yeah. My brother is havin a knovk down drsag out fight right now with his girlffrrnffd. Its funny it listen to stuff! Ha!
So I was just thinking. If canada loses on sunday, they should basically just have a mass suicide. Seriously, hockey is the one thing you guys claim to be good at. If you fail at that, why even bother existing? What will be canadas purpose at that point? And what does blanch mean? Is it like stellas sister?
Other things we are / have claimed to be good at: -killing Germans -curling -flying ridiculously old aircraft It's a partial list.
You know what I liek? WHen your friend decides she wants to taake you out for a birthday dinner, even though it's almost a week after your birthday. And she buys you drinks anemed after Elton Jogn songs. Lots of them. And I can't fucking undo the zipper on this motherfucking dress. I'm gonna sleepin this hting i think!
Oh my god guys did you know that warts of short duration are more likely to regress spontaneously? The things you pay $13,000 a year for to learn. There was never a spaghetti sauce jar I couldn't open. Sounds like you just need a strong pair of hands.
I've made the executive descision here, boys! The dress is staying on. hopeuflly the zipper undoes itself inmy sleep, cause I'm not goin upstairs to ask the boosdad to unzip it for me.