There is something so special about being smashed on whiskey. Drank Jack and Water all night anmd transformed myself into a hot mess..............I wish I didn't get suck bad heart burn, but Old Number Seven will always have a special place next to my heart........ Booze is just so much better than beer, you don't get that bloated feeling and it's basically an expressway to getting wasted. Here are my top three liquors....... 1. and will always be my poison, if you like grey goose better than you are supporting the French, screw the French 2. Jack Daniels...I do love shot's of Jamesons as well but Jack and water or Jack on the rock's is a man's drink.... 3. Petron although I also like 1800, wonderful for shots, horrible for throwing up. Beer is still fantastic when you need to drink twenty of something, chasing shot's and of course all day BBQ's. However if you really want to get shitfaced drunk we all know booze is the perfect recipe, the ingredient of the gods, the miracle sauce that never ceases to let you down............. That is all for now. I would lovbe to stay and chat but the amount of squiggly red lines on my post suggests I shoudl quit while I'm ahead.............
jealous. That's what baby showers are for! (well, other than celebrating someone blowing out their vagina with a new crotch fruit) Every shower i've ever been to has never included alcohol, and i've always been sorely disappointed.
Just because I offered you a new, better choice, doesn't mean that I didn't provide you with what you need. I just don't know how to manage this new, non-lazy sort of person. I think I am still in the running.
That's the only reason I ever go to those things. Besides the opportunity to buy super cute baby shoes and eat pastel-coloured cupcakes.
In this one, the baby beat the shower, so even mom was able to drink! And I have never been to a "dry" babyshower. I guess you could say my friends are awesome. Or that we have a drinking problem, but I am going with awesome.
I'll go with that. My friends suck, no denying that much. I had my baby shower early to avoid having germy women trying to pass my kid around like a 6-pack of beer since I was so fucking huge (2nd baby) and my oldest's birthday was not too far off from my due date. Baby shower and toddler birthday in the same month? Fuck all that!
I am kind of drunk with no desire to stop drinking, my husband is sleeping in preparation for the race we are both running in tomorrow. So, the good me thinks I should go to bed to be fresh to go out and run in the rain at 7am. The bad man simply says fuck that, you are doing just fine. I wonder who is going to win this internal struggle
I so know, and I'd tell you, but I'm still deciding what to drink next. SINCE, YOU KNOW, YOU ARE NO HELP AT ALL! Ha!
Did anyone get her a her a 'Diaper Genie'? I been considering one of those for myself. That way, on nights like this, I can just sit on the couch, drink, piss myself, strip at the end, throw it in the genie and no one will ever know.
I vote for you to mix the red wine and whiskey and see what happens. I call it the "Purple Puke Machine".
As delicious and successful as that sounds like it's going to be, I think we all know the obvious choice here is beer. Biased? Yep, since that's pretty much all I drink.
Today is Cedric the entertainer's birthday, doesn't that count for a special occasion? It's also Democracy day in Nepal. Do you need a better excuse Hotwheelz? We can probably come up with something. Oh, and Blue Dog, my vote is beers. Plural, as in many.
No shit: Queen Victoria used to drink a cocktail of red wine and scotch. Now Queen Victoria was one tough old bird, but still, every American here needs to ask themselves: are you tougher than the Queen of England? Are you going to be out-drank by the over-priveleged inbred fucks who they rebelled against because they were a bunch of tea-taxing snobs? Anyone still in the Commonwealth is free to start humming God Save the Queen.
I wish I had more good to drink. I need some whiskey to wash down this beer. This weekend went from starting out awesome to not being anywhere near awesome. Shoulda fucking knocked on wood...fuck you mother nature and your stupid ass weather.