You are correct. Flights are especially terrible for him. I try to get exit row or bulkhead seats as often as possible. Plus, the whole "whoa, how tall are you? Do you play basketball?" Thing gets obnoxious. He usually responds that it's over rated. He gets the same fucking questions any day he is out in public or at work. It gets old, man.
I am a regular height but merely seeing the shit he has to go through on a normal day is painful. Imagine a world where literally everything is too small or too low. Plus, every time you meet some one they make the same comments and jokes. No, it isn't as dire as being starving or being afraid for your life, but it makes the quality of your life significantly lower than it could be in a lot of ways.
Yep. Thankfully, I'm old enough that the constant questions from strangers about basketball are done. Seriously, do folks feel inclined to walk up to short people and ask them if they're a jockey? Toddamus: Have you ever had to deal with trying to fit into anything designed for people a foot shorter then you? How about constant comments from strangers about your physical attributes? It's fucking annoying. Do you randomly walk up to someone shorter, fatter, or somehow not of the normal body type and ask them stupid questions? Tall people get it constantly and folks grin like they're the first fucking one to ask you "How's the weather up there?"
The only thing I can imagine that would really bother me about being tall is trying to squeeze into an airplane seat. Fuck that. It's bad enough when the guy who is as wide as he is tall spills over. Yes, people do. Believe me, it's not something unique to tall people. If you're lucky enough to be an albino they just stare at you and don't ask questions.
I'm only ("only") 6'2, but trying to fit into any sort of seat designed for the average man is fucking hell. I can't imagine adding another 6 inches to me, I'd rather walk than have to cram myself into plane seats to get around.
This is first-blowjob glorious. Also, can we have a poll on chest hair? My girlfriend expressed some irritation at the fact that she has never seen a male model with chest hair.
I worked at a place in a predominantly Mexican town in California called Watsonville (it is where your strawberries come from). Every single Mexican who worked there was related somehow. It wasn't even a "hey, you're my cousin, let me hook you up with a job" thing, it just happened that most of the town seemed to be cousins to everyone somehow.
Do male models get waxed or something? Because I know if I just shaved it, you could still see it under the surface. My skin is so light, but my facial hair so dark that you can see my hair under the skin right after I have shaved.
Ditto. The amount of issues fitting into seats/etc. I encounter at this height still surprises me, as I'm not 'that' tall. Taller than I am now? No fucking thanks.
I'm only 6'3" but if I had the money to build my own house the FIRST requirement would be that every kitchen surface be six inches higher than average. My girl friend would just have to make due with pull out steps I would have installed through out the house. (Her penance for being able to just walk into a clothing store and just know they will have her size.) My back is now crying in longing for those magical imaginary counters.
Usually, yes. Hair is great in everyday life (I hear), but it can look unusual in pictures, so it goes. They could just retouch your hair being visible under the skin, although from the angle they'd be shooting it probably wouldn't even be.
The bf is 6'4 and slouches in every type of chair. And, coincidentally complains all the the time about his back hurting. Um, derp, I wonder why? I can't help but nag a little bit... it's painful to watch. It's like he's subconsciously trying to make himself smaller.
My best friend in middle school had giant parents. Her dad was 6'8'' and her mom was 6'3'', and they were also pretty wealthy. So they built themselves a giant house with high ceilings, high counters, high doorknobs, taller toilets, etc. I felt like Alice in Wonderland going over there because when I was 11, I was just barely 5' tall.
Maybe it's weird, but I'm 6'4'' and fly ALL the time (work) and it's not that bad. Sure it could be a lot better, but I can typically read/sleep/whatever without the seat situation bothering me. Now, I can't do any real work on the plane because with a laptop on the tray and the angle of the seats in the next row there is no space to type even if you could see the screen at that angle, but hey 1st world problems right?
He probably is. I'm 6'5" and I do the exact same thing. I dislike being this tall, as it's a little much sometimes, and when I sit up straight in a chair I feel like a fucking giant. Slouching puts me on everyone else's level and makes me feel normal.
I agree with your girlfriend. What does the modeling industry have against hair? I think it's weird when guys shave their whole body, particularly their armpits. Guys are supposed to have hair there. How else will you know you went through puberty? It seems like this is becoming more and more popular. Stop it. But I probably feel that way because I prefer hairy guys. Well, maybe not hairy so much as natural, whether it's hairy or not. I also think it's odd how there are so many super tall guys on this board. Not even normal tall, but super tall.