I agree with the sentiment, but I just throw my change in tip jars if it's anything smaller than quarters because I hate carrying around change.
A man in town here is raising a huge stink right now, rightfully so: he took his three year old son to a Florida hospital while on vacation because the boy had bronchitis. In and out in an hour, only wrote him a prescription, the low price of $2180.00. You guys get fucking RAPED down there for health care.
I'm going to jerk off, right into your brain, and spread my hipster seed; I liked his first project better, Ima Robot, Alex Eberts music was so much better before he went into rehab.
I'm sure just as much could be accomplished by not being a passive aggressive dick and speaking to the manager of the restaurant about their employee. Everyone has bad days, probably moreso when you're making less than minimum wage, and I can't imagine it's easy to constantly paste a smile on your face for every person who comes in wanting the steak frites without beef (because they're vegetarian) or potatoes (because they're no-carb), at half price (because they know a guy who knows a girl who once blew the manager that quit last month). I've never worked as a server but have the utmost respect for them. And if I have bad service, I act exactly the way I do when someone is underperforming in my office. I take it to their manager. I don't know about you, but some stranger telling me I'm shit doesn't exactly inspire me to put my best game face on.
This may just make me a bleeding heart/pussy, but for minor incompetance rather than outright rudeness or doing something truly disgutsing, I'd prefer to give them a heads up that they're fucking up rather than potentially getting them fired. I don't disagree per se, but any idea what the actually cost is? I'm sure you're right, but I also don't really have a good idea of what the cost of an hour of emergency room resources are and you certainly can't judge that by way of "it's free in Canada."
You guys? Sounds like a fellow eskimo got got. Welcome to America. If you're different, we fuck you over.
Joke's on them: You don't walk into an ER for something that isn't an emergency. There's a walk-in clinic on every block, and they charge $130/visit at the most and usually writw relatively cheap scripts.
Don't call them Eskimos, it insults them. And what do your an "different?" We look alike, and we both wear Canadian flags on our bags when we travel.
+1 on that. Its debatable whether I even go to the doctor for bronchitis. Unless the kid was choking on snot like the people in "The Stand", I would just ride it out. I'm also not condoning hospital billing practices, but I gotta get paid.
It was severe bronchitis. And the kid is three. What parent wouldn't rush their kid to the hospital? Especially where you don't know how the system works.
Well that was stupid, the US has plenty of cheap, if not free 24/7 clinics. ERs cost a fortune to run. If youre not bleeding out or severely fucked up, dont go there. EDIT: TX beat me to it. Probably a parent that pays better attention. You dont just suddenly have severe/life threatening bronchitis.
I don't even know what most of this paragraph means. Waiting? Batwings...why was your ass sore?...a goat?? Kids today. Where else can they go to fake an illness and get narcs prescribed? At least that's what our local one does.
I have left notes on the check about good and bad service. The most recent... our waitress showed up to take our order and that is it. She stood at a table full of guys and talked to them the entire time. A different waiter brought our drinks/appetizer and our entrees. Never once got a refill on our drinks(didn't need them but that isn't the point). She didn't even bring our check. The other servers apologized about her service but never said anything to her. I took a red ink pen and put a big zero on the tip part of the check and wrote a not describing her service on the back. I then went and tipped the servers that brought our food/check out. At least they seemed to give a shit.
Re: Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, 5/17 He's talking about ballsacks and getting his ass pounded, that clear things up?
I have visited the emergency room once in the past ten years- when the clinic said I had to go because my appendix may rupture and kill me or something. Turns out it wasn't appendicitis and I got hit with $500 or so in med bills after insurance. I should have waited it out. If I broke an arm or leg at night, I'd wait 'till morning before I went to the ER. Emergency rooms are for life threatening emergencies, not a respiratory infection. Further, in the ER's defense, this is probably the first time a foreigner walked in that could actually pay a hospital bill. Finally, if they really loved their child, they would have taken out a traveler's health insurance policy on the little tyke. You never can be too careful these days. Because babies.
My daughter had had bronchitis five times so far. Three times she went to the hospital. And it IS sudden if you think it's just a cough at first. With little kids, it hits them fast and hard. On the flip side, don't think my kid is like an average kid. She has a nasty habit of almost dying a lot.
This went down probably around 2002-2003 time frame. He was notorious for showing his ass whenever he came around and it was almost mandatory that his posse do the same. Just hearing how he spoke to some of the servers alone makes me glad I did what I did.
Re: Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, 5/17 Yeah but not quite. And yeah the US healthcare system is fucked. Hospitals are expensive as fuck, so are doctors, and if you want into a "free" clinic the paperwork you have to do to prove you're not making too much (or so they can charge you every chargeable penny) is almost as painful as filing taxes.