Stop killing people or we will kill people. Can we now stop pretending that Islam isn't the worst religion in the entire world? He didn't say anything about race or nationality. He said Muslims. With a Brit accent. Whatever, all part of "His Plan" I guess.
Just because I'm a dick who works in health care and likes to point out inconsistencies in how people think... As economists like to say, there's no such thing as a free lunch. Health care isn't free in Canada, and 24/7 clinics stateside aren't free, either. Someone pays for it. That said, emergency rooms aren't cheap and they also aren't to be used as replacements for walk-in clinics. I've heard far too many stories of "I was waiting in the ER for six hours last night!!!". Well, you're lucky to have only waited 6 hours in the ER for christ's sake, you had an uncomplicated urinary tract infection and a CTAS score of 6. I'm almost convinced a co-pay on ER services of, say, $50 (as long as you walk in under your own steam) would help to keep people going to after hours / walk-in clinics instead of ERs. But that's just me, what do I know? I've only worked in an ER. Furthermore, travel health insurance policies are like 50 bucks and they last a whole year. If you're travelling, buy them. My job will actually reimburse my medical expenses after-the-fact if I travel and I'll still pay the 50 bucks for travel insurance because I'm not taking the risk of my work insurance suddenly deciding "nah, we're not going to pay for that, you didn't fill out xyz paperwork in advance".
I've had several Muslim friends and they're cool as hell. Funny thing though, they're total metrosexuals. I went shopping with them once and never again. And they live for strip clubs. I got dragged there a couple times and conversation couldn't even accomplish anything because they would just sit there and stare. Once you get past those two things they're totally down to Earth and way less judgmental/bitchy than most people I meet. Also, some of them didn't drink, but they still liked to go out. DD problem solved. I should try to get back in touch with those I haven't spoken to since college. Of course, these are the Muslims that come to America so they're not the crazy fanatical type, obviously. Sadly when you look at the way some of those people choose to run their countries you can't just say it's a small unrepresentative frenzied group. The way that religion is interpreted on a global scale is nauseating.
It's time. It's past due's been over 700 years. Just kidding, our differences make us stronger.
Extremists of any nature are danger be they political or religious, but lets all be honest, no other faction on the planet is as violent or as widespread as radical Muslims are presently. I think that it isn't necessarily what the Muslim faith teaches, but just that these are uneducated people living in shitholes where religious institution is used to govern the people, any ideology put in the same place as Islam can be equally dangerous, as has been shown throughout history. I just find it really annoying that people talk about how "this isn't Islam" when the Koran outright advocates violence against non-Muslims pretty plainly to include beheading, you don't have to be a religious scholar to see it. You don't get to say "Oh I identify as x religion but I don't believe half of what my holy book says." I'll say it outright, I hate Muslims along with anyone else who follows such a violent ideology. If you don't follow the violent teachings of the Koran despite knowing that there are like a hundred verses advocating violence, you aren't a Muslim just like the person who says that they are a Christian but picks and chooses which teachings of the Bible they follow isn't actually a Christian. Normally I would say "wait until the facts come out" but considering the guy admitted to the killing on camera and gave his motive with the murder weapons still in his hands, I hope justice is served accordingly on them.
I just dropped my parents off at the airport. I sure will miss them. However, I do get my privacy back. Being about to piss with the door open and walk around nekkid again is going to be great.
This is true, but there's so many people like this I just accept it at this point. If you're that comfortable with your cognitive dissonance that's your prerogative. I'd have to shun 70% of the people I know if it really bothered me.
From the two I can see it is definitely her. The ones that he posted here were better, his sister is pretty hot.
Hooray! Religion AND politics! Sure, lets discuss that, because it has NEVER turned into a shit show flame fest before. Nothing but GOOD can come from that, right?
I found a bruise on my side that clearly indicates that I was hit by a softball last weekend. A similar bruise seems to be coming to fruition on my ass. I guess I suck at playing catch.
Shut the fuck up. A softball is what was available. I could barely wrap my hands around it. Stupid midget fingers.
I just avoid the topic of religion in the real world, it has pretty much never come up despite having lived in the bible belt. I don't pay any attention to someone's beliefs being self-conflicting unless it somehow has an effect on me, or in instances like this when people try to make excuses for their religion and portray it as something it definitely is not, for some reason that really bothers me.
Last week I found out one of our employees said that she believes we are living through the end times, we are literally living during the beginning of the Apocalypse. No bullshit.
Then, she might as well give you her life savings since we'll all be dead soon. Those two The Hills fucks, Spencer and Heidi, are now flat broke because they thought the Mayan Apocalypse was happening on 12-21-12 and spent all their millions they never earn a cent of. With a little luck, they'll be dead soon too: More oxygen for us. It's impossible that people are this stupid, listen to this worthless sack of retardation: Ho. Lee. Shit.