Well I'm off work early and hopping on a train to Montreal in 2 hours. Should be a good weekend. And it's the Queen's official birthday! What more reason do we need to celebrate?
Not to bring it back to the crack mayor thing, but gawker has set up an Indiegogo site to raise the $200K they need to pay off the drug dealers who have the crack-smoking tape. This is the best thing I've ever seen.
My aunt just saw a news report on Powerball being $600M. She told me to drive her to California so she could buy 700 tickets. I told her no. Now she's seriously pissed off at me and calling me names. I may just start taking her Xanax to calm my nerves.
Last I'd looked it was estimated at 550. I'll buy a couple tickets at that amount. I won't win but I like to dream now and then.
<a class="postlink" href="http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/05/17/18322402-powerball-jackpot-soars-to-600-million?lite" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/05 ... llion?lite</a> Never the less, I am not driving an 81 year old woman who asks me who I am every few minutes 100 miles so I can stand in line for a couple of hours and spend $1400 of her money...which may just end up to be used tissues wadded in her purse.
No. No! Anal-retentive coworker, it is 15 minutes past closing time on a long weekend, whatever you're calling me about cannot possibly be as important as you think it is, unless you need to tell me that we ought to have someone under go a fucking liver biopsy before you feel totally comfortable that 800 (or maybe 400 I really don't know) units of vitamin E per day is okay. Or do you want me to call our nurse practitioner and ask if she really wanted to prescribe one kind of saline nasal spray or another? Jesus Christ.
<a class="postlink" href="http://coed.com/2013/05/06/celebrity-boobs-get-the-gif-treatment-45-gifs/?utm_source=thechive.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=celebrity-boobs-get-the-gif-treatment-45-gifs#photo=45" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://coed.com/2013/05/06/celebrity-bo ... s#photo=45</a> 45 celebrity boob gifs.
That would totally be appropriate except A) My boss always works from home on Friday. Apparently when you choose to have a kid and choose to live in the suburbs, you get to choose to work from home. B) There is no hashtag in front of that YOLO. C) We have all moved on to #CarpeDiem. Get with it old man.
It is Friday afternoon, I am my own boss and Backroom just gave me a reason to stick around till 5. I cannot get fired for looking at those gifs and I am going to enjoy each and every one of them. Thanks.
What is happening? My boss just installed some weird flashing lights in the office that you can control via the wifi network and now it's like a damn disco in here. What is this I can't even.
I wanted to drink before leaving work, but my desire to workout wins. Is it wrong I'm just going to put the bottle in my bag and go home with it? Does it count as stealing? Do I really care? Wait, I don't really care.
Bring on the redneck hate, I just bought a couple of mud jugs, spilling dip-spit sucks people. Mudjug.com for anyone interested.