Hey, I wipe my ass sitting down like a normal person. I don't stand there hunched over with shit on myself like a German porn star.
Yes and yes. I don't remember the second question but I am preemptively giving you a yes because its just that kind of mood. I think bear would be awesome. Dwecers or whatever the fuck your name is, don't you do random big game hunting in the west? I want a flavor profile for bear, moose, and elk. Chop chop!
I went to Italy about 7 years ago with my family and all the swanky young business men had mullets. Do with that what you will.
Yeah, dude! We have toilets and FM radio and staplers and everything! Bee-Boop Blork, Space-man!!! Actually, a fact: our toilets have a much larger permitted flush capacity than American toilets. So......FACE!!!!!
In her defense, if I was in Hawaii, I'd be drunk too. We go there almost every year for Thanksgiving (Maui, not sure where Bewildered is) and I don't think I've spent a single hour on the island without at least some level of alcohol in my system. It's a beautiful place, but something about it (probably the fact it's cut off from literally fucking everything) makes drinking the number one thing to do.
I'm in Oahu but yeah. There's not much to do out here except booze, smoke, bone and surf. I have all this free time now that my parents are gone. Plus el husband has the day off for MEmorial weekend so we're just hanging out and catching up on game of thrones. Plus side: all the rum is gone. Both bottles. For future reference, shellback is really vanilla-y and not that great. I think it was designed to go with coke.
She wears the ones she "collects" on a rope necklace a la Lundgren. These Vagina Dentata are a mysterious, feared and elusive creature. And can usually only be captured on film with camera traps or G+ hangouts.
So did you all know that Lorena Bobbitt had a sister? She tried to pull the same move, but missed. She was charged with a misdawiener.
The only thing bear is good for is jerky, moose on the other hand...mmmmmmm... EDIT: As for Elk, it all depends on their diet. Usually it's awesome but I had some that had an alfalfa diet and I may as well be eating a McElk burger.
I've had moose and it tasted like a decent steak. That was also the only time I tried deer, and it was awful, like liver. At least a couple of people told me it was probably out of season/gamey/something.
I won't eat venison from the south, I have a feeling the deer exist entirely on soy beans, it's very greasy and tastes like hell. I'm used to throwing a deer steak on a grille and cooking it, in the south you have to soak it for 24 hours in salt water, cut it up, then batter and deep fry it to make it palatable. Too much damn work for so-so deer nuggets.
Because I watched Caddyshack, yet again, and in honor of the beginning of summer, golf, and good times, I give you: And yes, I'm still awesome, in case you were wondering. And I'm more than All Right.
LIES!!! Even Mississippi deer feed primarily on native forage- acorns, soft greens and stuff. I have yet to need to soak it in anything to make it palatable. In western news, I ate Antelope burger last night and it was delicious. As good as great, but not mind-blowing sex. Here he is now.
You should jury-rig it with some mechanics so it pops up like Big Mouth Billy Bass and starts singing "Living Next Door to Alice". Or film a sequel to "Shake That Bear"...no, don't do that.