Well it was Granny Smith Cider, that shit is gross. So sweet. Interestingly, Granny Smiths are my favorite apple, but I prefer my cider drier like a Crispin Brown Lane or my go-to traditional dry cider, which is Strongbow.
Cider is the new 'fuck it we have to release 500 pretend to be craft brews' product from Inbev. Since I rarely explore outside of my beloved Coors Light I can say Strongbow and Woodchuck both make my stomach hurt after taking the first sip of my second drink of either. Shit has way too much sugar. Little help finding the name of a beer I want to get my coworker who is moving back to Cali. Since I want it to be a surprise Ill ask here. She drinks (or drank) the shit out of it before she moved to Ohio. It was a regional beer to Cali or the Pacific Northwest. It is a low cost drink like maybe Pabst Blue Ribbon. I think it's name had Oregon or something pacific northwestery about it. Anyone got an idea?
Cider is nectar of the gods when it's good, and a whore's dysentery when it's bad. I like Magners for straight consumption and Strongbow when it's the base of a black velvet. I tried Keith's cider last week and it was so sweet I got instant diabeetus.
Olympia sounds close but the picture isn't ringing any bells. I think it had a quirkier tag line than "It's the water." edit: Also, Ive said it before. I like craft beers and enjoy them every now and again. I just don't go nuts and all hipster sophisticated about them as is the current trend. I'd buy New Belgium products on the reg if they sold them in Ohio (first person to mention it's a beginner's craft beer gets Crown Royals Hipster crown of the day award). Sneaky Pete's IPA is another I'd drink more frequently if I didn't have to search it out and pay premium prices every time I wanted to sip some beer. I am fine drinking Bud/Coors light a vast majority of the time I go out drinking.
I drank a few cases of Olympia Ice* in college. The tagline should have been "It'll get ya druuunk!" *Not as good as Natural Ice.
"Ice" beers are for hard core homeless people wanting to drink the fact they don't have proper psychotic meds away.
Anything ice means if you aren't homeless or psychotic or a college student you shouldn't be drinking it. Kubla, good news. Green Flash is opening up a brewery on the east coast somewhere so you should be able to get that sometime soon.
This is my favorite beer when I can find it. Knocks you clear on your ass if you aren't careful. Spoiler
I think you guys are missing out... Spoiler Nevermind, not really. I only drink good cheap beer now, like Hamm's.
I'll admit it, I'm a bit of a beer snob. My idea of a light beer is a craft pilsner. When I go to kickball I bring a case of fat tire for my beer cup. However, I do enjoy Molson. I think thats a hockey player thing though.
Yesterday afternoon was dark and tornado sirens were going off. I was up front running reports when I got to witness brilliance: Customer 1 (an elderly woman, clearly anxious about the weather): "I need to get home, this does not look good!" Customer 2 (woman in her early 30's): "You'll be safe in your car, the tires insulate you." I turn here, to stifle my smile. C1: "No, no it doesn't work like that." C2: "YES, it does! I've never heard of anyone getting hit by a tornado in a car." I smile and say, "You're thinking lightning, a tornado is a whole other ballgame." C1 is walking out, shaking her head. C2, challenging "HOW is it different?!" Me "A tornado is a powerful funnel of WIND that picks up and rearranges just about everything where it touches down. Especially trailer parks. I wouldn't worry, we don't usually get them here, they are more east." C2: "Some trailers have wheels, they must be the safe ones." I just laugh and excuse myself, I have shit to do. I tried to tell her. I did my civic duty. Right?
I was in target once checking out. The cashier sneezes and I ask her if she's getting sick (because I'm a germaphobe). She says no, she can't get sick because she got her flu shot.
I would have, but my ankle is wicked fucked up and it wouldn't have been powerful enough to sterilize her.
Okay, was it just me or did Matt Damon make a cameo at the end flipping off Jimmy, or was he flipping off Channing? By the way, that was great. Thanks.