It is just not natural for a person to not eat meat. We're omnivores. We're supposed to do it. DO IT.
It's not even the meat thing that bothers me. She doesn't eat ANY animal products. I brought cheesecake for the dudes last week and she was all up in their faces about how "awesome" her cheesecake just make it with pureed almonds. JUST EAT A FUCKING CHEESECAKE WOMAN.
Eh, I can empathize with the majority of vegans (I was a vegan at one point too and wish I was on the registry now) who keep to themselves, but this site is fucking ridiculous, it's just one giant finger wag at people who tried veganism and quit.
People take this shit seriously?? I believe I embrace nature too, so I'm gonna have my own little "Murderocalypse" this weekend with animals I "murdered" myself, just for them. Then I'm gonna work on some guns so I can have more "murderocaplyses" after this next hunting, uh "murdering" season. If I don't get a special feature on their front page I'll be pissed.
This one almost makes me thing they're just trolling vegans. Spoiler Originator of 30 bananas a day sucks. Was vegan and “got too skinny” so is now a meat-eater and body builder. This guy plays favorites on the forum and takes sides. He is very cruel how he socially manipulates the forum and you get a sick feeling around him . He encourages no judgement but then is the most judgmental and nepotistic tyrant there. Carnal, cruel, cunning, status-climbing, hitting on women. A convicted hacker and felon. If he was gentle as a vegan what could have possibly happened since then? HE NOW EATS MEAT.
My wife and I have been getting rid of things we don't use in an attempt to simplify our lives, so I have some stuff listed on Ebay and Craigslist right now. I just got this question about the GPS I have listed: "DO THE DEVICE HAS A LIFE TIME MAPS? OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT????" I'm not sure how to reply so the person would understand. On one of my CL postings I got tired of people texting me and asking if it's still available, so I edited the ad and specifically stated that if the ad is up, it's still available. Two hours later I got a text asking if it was available. My favorite is the people who call me and ask where the city I listed in the ad is located. Damn, if there were only some device you could access that had electronic maps... like maybe the fucking computer you were just using to look at my ad. How do these people remember to breathe?
Yeah, I don't know how the site works, some of the descriptions are obviously written by a lunatic fringe vegan, others seem to be a joke making fun of veganism and embracing paleo/anything non-vegan.
Well, that was my last day in the clinic. Uneventful and I did minimal actual work (my boss is pretty cool about things). Now I have a week until the movers come and then I'm off to become one of those country people I've heard so much about.
Better a pile of supermarket meat than a 12 year old. Because you know that between his moustache, long greasy hair, false smile and beady eyes, he's up to no good.
Because you're doing something wrong. Edit: didn't see Noland's response. Fuck it, Crown's really fucking something up here, and it's probably worth 2 similar posts.
Sitting here at my desk sucking on my first cocktail of the evening. Don't mind if I do. Crown, I think we're collectively starting to worry about you. Because bubble wrap doesn't hold a candle to heroin(see what I did there)....or pussy.