I mean... Just... Seriously, do people still think butter makes you fat/unhealthy? I'm honestly confused, I thought we moved on and that shit was done.
Ursula got me bad. I can't look at that anymore I'm in tears. I am disappointed you came home. I was hoping for a few more drinks and a round of "do a shot, ask an obscene question to strangers." We could have had something. Now listen to Frampton, you deserve this! Instead I'll have to post pictures of my hairy legs until one of you ladies reciprocates.
I think I remember you're big into paleo and that's fine. But if you think that the rest of the world has moved on from the idea that eating copious amounts of fat makes you fat, then you're a little out of touch.
I guess I'm living in my own little bubble because even the most legit paleo haters agree that saturated fat is good for you and excessive processed grains/sugar are at the root of most modern health issues. I mean, I knew bacon and red meat still has a bad name, but I thought we collectively understood stuff like coconut oil and butter is good, but after a little asking around I'm obviously wrong. Oh well, I guess I'll go back to my doctor that tells me I'm not eating enough fat.
Yes, you're definitely in your own little bubble because there's a lot of people who aren't merely paleo haters, but have never even heard of paleo. Saturated fat still has a bad ring to it. Plenty of people will posit other causes for most modern health issues (personal anecdotes don't mean too much, but the only time I've heard a health care professional mention anything even loosely related to paleo is when they're on the bandwagon themselves). Most people will look at you a little bit sideways when you talk about coconut oil because it's not very widely available. Butter is of course widely known but most people like to avoid it. And any mainstream nutritionist / semi-educated monkey hired to speak about nutrition is still going to use your garden variety food pyramid type of stuff. More Paula Deen:
Does your doctor practice in a storage unit at Cube Smart? Did he get his degree in Mongolia? I bet he is excessively muscular.
Well this sucks! Spoiler The experience I got chopping trees up and chipping brush with the city crew a few years ago will come in handy. If there's any positive outcome, we'll get some firewood out of it.
Remember I asked you guys a while back who was the crazier state between Florida and Texas? Policy stops here and the discussion on stupidity begins: Yeah, he's a doctor, and he said that. I know in our heart of hearts that we are all horn dogs, it's no lie. Exactly what makes a fetus horny? I speak for exactly zero members of this board when I say this: there are people in your country that are so beyond fucked it silences the mind. That may be he most retarded thing I ever heard. I know people still have to go to college for years on end, I have an utmost respect for the US colleges, believe me. How does this man have a fucking medical degree and wait! There's more! Ladies....he's a OBGYN. So...back to where I started: Texas, victory. That single thing sealed the deal.
Clearly he's in for a fight on his views. A: The wages of sin are death. B: Masturbation is a sin. This sinner absolutely should of been aborted.
Since we're already on the slope, I'm somewhat amused/disgusted that the local (liberal) paper is more interested in exposes on the evils of Domestic Christian Discipline than local politician corruption or, y'know, THE GIANT FUCKING NSA LEAK they still have barely mentioned in passing. We had a storm last week that got more attention. "In tonight's news, the government may arguably be spying on you and invading your privacy. And now our top story, men who believe Jesus gives them authority to whip their wives, and the wives who consent....AND, equally as important, what does one call the offspring of a liger and a lion? More at 10!" And their only Paula Deen-related content was a short tidbit about the whole thing, followed by a "Have you ever used the 'N'-word?" poll. It's almost as if there's a longstanding, grand conspiracy to make this country as stupid as possible.
It'll probably take a while to de-green because its so fresh. That's a huge branch, you'll get a lot of wood from it. That's a gorgeous looking tree, sorry.
Holy shit.I got way too drunk at bellows today. I suppose downing whiskey and cokes one after another is not smart when your tolerance is super low. It also doesn't feel good to be the only drunk one. Womp womp. Also, sunburn...covered my face but forgot everything else... Pasty white complexion, I will miss you.
I saw one of my first cousins today that I hadn't seen we were both about 9. He's like 5'5" and 350lbs. All I could think was "There is no way we share the same DNA." What came out of my mouth was "What the hell happened to you? It looks like you squatted down to jump and forgot to jump." It was an uneasy conversation after that, I think he may be a bit sensitive about being a fat midget. Oops.
I'm at a lesbian bar in East Atlanta, after a near fight with my ginger boo. I'm not sure what's going on, but best friend number 1 is dead drunk and blatantly hitting on best friend number 2.