I'd like to think she's left her panties in one of these vending machines. Wear it on your head, and immerse yourself in the intoxicating aroma of school girl queefs.
Is it wrong that I'm enjoying Rolling Rock? It's quite good right now, maybe because its hot out and any beer tastes good. This thread needs more side boob NSFW
This is the first hockey game I've watched literally in years (Go Bruins!!). What happened to all the fighting and nasty checks? Hockey needs the fighting back.
St. Feuillian Saison tonight. I like my beers like I like my Belgian women: spicy blondes with earthen notes, long lasting head, and 6.5% alcohol. Also in my possession is St Bernadus Abt. 12. Paging Ghettoastronaut to the Belgian courtesy phone. The cool thing about St Bernadus is that it is about a mile down the road from Westvelteren Brewery, the most sought after beer in the world; and arguably they taste almost identical. Another nifty thing is Struisse Brewery, highly regarded and highly rated, is a few more miles down the road. This is my destination for a beer tour. Three of the best breweries in the world within 20 minutes of each other. Anyone catching the super moon? I want to get loaded, take my pants off, and howl at it. WHO'S WITH ME?! ... Laaaaaadies?
Super moon? Does it wear red boots and a cape? All these moons lately have been letdowns around here. We had a blue moon. It sucked. We had what they said would be the biggest moon ever in the sky. There was no difference. I hear the moon tonight sneaks down onto earth's surface and watches your girlfriend in the shower. I have GOT to smoke more of THIS SHIT.
For those who were asking who the girl in the Blurred Lines video is, her name is Emily Ratajkowski, from UK. NSFW
That would involve me being up at 4:38 in the morning and if I'm awake at 4:38 in the morning looking at the moon is going to be the last thing on my mind. At it's zenith it's going to be 14% larger then normal. If it was going to be 14x larger then normal I'd be setting my alarm.
I worked summer beer fest today. Not only did I run into my abusive ex boyfriend, I ran into one of my student's uncles. And now he's hitting on me. This is my life.
You should extort favors and old sex from him in exchange for his nephew's passing grade. "I know you're an old man, with old man balls that drip like a Dali painting, but you can teach me things and pay for my Miata." Just remember it's about experience. Especially when he dies on top of you mid thrust. Anyway, isn't it female street cred to say your vageen killed a man? So, this Bernadus 12 is awesome. I can't be the only one aound drinking beer, alone... on a Saturday... in the dark... without pants.
He's not particularly old though. Only 35. At the same time, he has two daughters. Both of whom adore me, but still.
I've moved on from beer to shawarma. Ottawa, I will miss you for your delicious shawarma AND NOTHING ELSE. Also I met the craziest woman ever tonight. I was warned she was "a little bit retarded". I don't normally consider the word "retarded" to be as offensive as some people contend it to be but comparing her to retarded people is legitimately offensive to the mentally handicapped. Jesus Christ. Also! There's a bar in Ottawa selling bottles of the westvleteren that I have in my closet for $50 a pop. Suckers. I highly advise going to Ypres, though. A surprisingly nice looking town, considering it was bombed to smithereens during WWI.
Wtf? Not particularly old?! That's not any kind of old by any marginal definition. At all. Damn you kids.
Dayton Air Show is this weekend, all the excitement deflated after a plane nosedived into the ground during a wingwalking stunt. At least go out doing what you love, I guess.
Yeah no shit. I mean talk about a way to go, especially since she was so low to the ground she didn't have a moment to think about what was about to happen. I doubt there are many "retired" daredevils, only dead ones. And that's probably how they'd want it, too.
Years ago, I went out with a girl who was a wing walker. I never understood how she did it, but she loved it. It gave me the chills seeing the video of that crash, because she wing walked on a similar Stearman.
Looking at the video slowed down, it looks like she tried to jump. Not that it would have done any good. I watched an interview with her, didn't know she did it untethered. That takes skill and balls, and probably a little luck.