The U.S. government should just start sponsoring ribfests as significant cultural events. These things need to happen more than once per year.
So, on a four lane highway today, my car decided it didn't feel like going into gear. Not fifth, not fourth, not even first. None of them. There's nothing quite as awesome as an emergency stop on a fucking bridge in 35 degree heat because the car is effectively flipping you off.
I got turned off from the champagne yeast idea which I hear everywhere because apparently the final product tastes more like white wine or something. The lager yeast will keep it tasting apple-y and have a little bit of fizz. I might be biting off more than I can chew though. Misanthropic tells me they make cider yeast which I think I am going to look into. Hopefully that will produce the best results.
I now weigh the same as I did when I graduated high school. Granted, it was 253 pounds, but fuck you, I weigh as much as I did in high school.
A lot of the Twin Cities has been without power after storms on Friday night. We got about 2" of rain in a half hour at my house in addition to losing a big ass limb. There is this gigantic sinkhole in an intersection now too.
I am at my family reunion. I loathe spending even one minute with these paunchy, drooling brain dead hicks. One thought it would funny to blast my wife point blank in the back of the head with a water balloon, which only really, really hurt her. When I got mad, I get "you can't get mad, he has asperger's!!!"" Okay, until a few years ago I have never heard of this condition, and it IS a condition, but does it not seem to be a go-to excuse for crappy parents who let their kids act like rampaging fucktards?
Well then, congratulations! I didn't know if you were happy that you got down to that weight or lamenting that you let yourself get back to that weight (a pain I know all too well).
I fucking hate family reunions. Some extended family started a huge one each year with people with my last name in Cincinnati. My great grandpa was one of like 10 children so there are a few dozen people plus their families. The first year was actually semi interesting since they did some light genealogical work and had some family history stuff made up for the occasion. But outside of that I had no interest in hanging out with people who Ive never met before. My granddad who I was connected through all these people through talked some with them about how they were related but nothing of interest. The only family get togethers that are fun for me are the ones with my mom's sisters and their kids, my cousins, since we grew up and hung out together for years before they all moved out of state.
We have a homecoming event each Easter at my dad's tiny church in the little country town he grew up in. It is a fucking blast. The unofficial matriarch of the family, my great aunt, died a few years back. Her granddaughter, my cousin, has a mini ceremony at her grave and we all drink white russians, pouring a little on her grave. But only a little, because wasting alcohol is a sin y'all.
I think I'm the only relative here that doesn't wear bib overalls at least four days a week. I have nothing in common with any of them.
Next time they pull that, tell them that Asperger's doesn't technically exist anymore. At my family reunions, most of my time is spent among a few key activities. 1) Listening to people be amazed at how tall I am (dad's side only) 2) Telling people that not only am I not in high school, I've also graduated university and have a job and everything. Also, golfing with former NHL players. NBD.
Holy shit, ice tea and vodka is good shit. I don't even care that my car doesn't go into gear anymore. I'll just get a team of midgets to carry me around on a palanquin from place to place.
Tell your friend that it's not a problem until she allows that when she's on her back instead, naked, and there's no blanket. Although I feel like there are websites where video of that would be extremely popular.