I have bitched about this on here numerous times. I'm up at 4-5 a.m. everyday, and morning news stuff is horrible. GMA, Today and whatever the other one is all fucking suck. I've tried BBC, but they have gardening on. I've tried CNN - and they're fucking horrible. The best (of an admittedly horrible class) is Morning Joe on MSNBC. Though most of MSNBC is more liberal than a bunch of pot smoking hairy lesbians at an abortion rally, Joe Scarborough is conservative. They are very light on entertainment news, and generally have pretty good guests. It's the only thing I can tolerate watching in the morning.
I would rather listen to Fran Drescher scream the Sanskrit alphabet than that nasally hack. The guy who called Nate Silver an idiot? Pass. There IS no decent morning news show. Just don't watch at all. I'm off to see if I need surgery on my hand. Hopefully not.
Fox and Friends used to be kinda decent and had a good deal of humor, but they started doubling down on the same old conservative stuff like the rest of their programming sans Red Eye, which is still awesome. I dont mind a liberal or conservative bias, but not first thing in the morning.
In a perfect world, I would get my news without any bias. Unfortunately, I haven't found anything on tv that approaches a truly objective point of view. And internet news has been awful lately. I read articles and am baffled at spelling errors, grammar errors, and just shoddy reporting by supposed journalists.
I just don't like that everything has to appeal to everyone all the time. How can you (a producer) possibly think that the same people who are interested in the Hernandez murder conviction and recent market volatility also want to know what it's like for Miley Cyrus to have to fly in a private jet across the country so she can make it to the interview? There's no fucking focus anymore. I guess that the "news" is just another side effect of our ADD slanted society, who have come to expect and need constantly changing stimuli. A story is 30 seconds long, then it shifts to a piece so entirely unrelated as to be absurd, then there's a squirrel surfing for some reason, then we're looking at some pop teen idol's vagina sludge-stained leather underwear, then the weather--all with commercial breaks every 27 seconds for Viagra, a cell phone you can take a piss on without damaging, and activia yogurt so we can all poop better. Hallelujah! Holy shit. Where's the Tylenol?
Dude, you left out some crucial news segments 1) look at those crazy brown people 2) A Nobody murders a nobody, becomes trial of the decade 3) How my shitty stocks are doing 4) politician dresses like cowboy for ribs eating contest
All of that is covered in George Stephanopoluphagus' segment, titled, "I just blasted Legos out of my rectum into your face and you didn't even notice because you were staring at the Dolce & Gabbana ad on the Times Square billboard behind my tiny midget body." ETA: I fully realize that the above reference is my second anal-centric comment regarding the show. But I challenge you to watch that broadcast for ten minutes without finding that your sphincter is doing cartwheels in response to how inexcusably vapid it is.
If I do one more fashion shoot where somebody on the crew is regaling everyone with the benefits of juice cleansing, I'm going to HYPERBOLICLY DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT
It amuses me that somewhere in your brain there is a thought that the fashion industry is not the most empty and useless collection of humans to ever walk the Earth.
I was out to dinner with my girlfriend and some of her co-workers last night. One guy's girlfriend was talking about how she eats meat for only half the year and then goes vegan for the rest to "cleanse." I think she needs to prioritize taking a damn shower. Anyways, happy Friday! Spoiler
Only your opinion on Taylor Rain could be more correct than that. There is no industry more useless and full of itself than fashion.
So I'm meeting the guys for lunch at our favorite BBQ joint today and tomorrow we're having friends over and I'm going to do 3 slabs of baby back ribs in the smoker, two rings of sausage, chicken on the grill, antipasto salad and banana pudding. And it's supposed to cool down tomorrow and only get up to 97!