My sister ran a 5k. For the second half she ran it with her 5 year old girl on her back. Quotes from the kid: "YOURE GOING THE WRONG WAY TO GET A TROPHY!" "MY LEGS ARE SO TIRED!" "YOUR SWEATY HANDS ARE MAKING MY EXCEMA BURN"
My other sister and brother in law walked/jogged the first half with the kid. The race wasn't a circle, it was out to a certain point and back, so on the way back the running sister picked up her kid and ran back the rest of the way with her.
Just because it fits the numerical series right, I ran 15 km this morning (which is about the same distance as Mr. Somejuice walked, but you see what I mean).
Hot damn, how long did that take you? We did 10 miles in a little over 4 hours, which Im pretty proud of considering the terrain and the fact that my dads 56 and fat.
Two girls working out at the gym today. One was 5'2 and compact like a gymnast with a muscular squat fueled badakadonk and the other was close to 5'10, long lean with a great but completely different. Both were neck breakers. Further proof that "my body wont ever look like hers" when referring to a specific celeb or hot chick is a cop out. Lust inspiring, in shape bodies come in all forms and shapes and sizes. Female gym rats are the best, such a hot attitude and mentality.
My back is burned....and now I'm drinking wine and watching "Bachelorette". Don't judge me. According to Netflix, I lllooooooooooove "raunchy indie movies".
Wow almost exactly like the two figure competition girls that worked out at the university gym I used to work out at. The short one of the two now works out at the LA fitness I work out at. Leering at dat ass around heavy weights is dangerous.
That movie was surprisingly not shitty, enjoy. I'm about ten minutes into My Blue Heaven (free on amazon instant if you have prime) due to recommendations from the board and am quite impressed. Pretty sure I saw this movie as a kid and didn't get it.
I just ate three beer brats off a plate in quick succession. I don't even care because I'm too drunk for this shit. *edit* Make that four beer brats, a burger, and a pound of potato salad. COME AT ME, BRO.
Spoiler Karaoke last night. Woke up still drunk. Wake and bake. Bacon and eggs on toast. Except instead of toast, hash browns. Genius level cooking.
Steve Martin: I'll take two double scotches. Flight attendant: Sorry we can't serve you more than two drinks, that would be four. Steve Martin: Ok how bout this? You sell me my double scotch and you sell my friend his double scotch but instead of putting it on his tray you put it on mine and I'll pay you for both. By the way did I tell you you look great in red and blue.....Pam? " 'Ohh really'? You're going to have to do better than that or you're going lose the argument."
I'm gonna be honest... I don't like this town, my rotation sucks for the most part, and I can't wait to leave. That's a shitty feeling to have. I wanted to love it or at least enjoy most of it.