Worst. Bond movie. Ever. I was always willing to suspend disbelief in that series, and I have always been a fan. But a laser gun fight in outer space? Begorrah!
To be honest, I got irritated the minute they were in zero-gravity and her hair wasn't floating. Or, y'know, when there was a fire in the vacuum of space. Attention to detail, folks. Gotta have it.
You forgot Jaws using a gondola cable as dental floss. Of course you couldn't dent one of those things with a tank bullet, but with steel teeth you can bite through one like celery. And natch, another hilarious chick name: Dr. Goodhead. I can't decide whether that or Plenti O'Toole is funnier.
"Can I help you?" "Yes. My name is Bond, James Bond. I'm looking for Dr. Goodhead." "You just found her." "A woman?" Oh, come on, now. It's not like you can completely tell that these stunt guys have on parachutes under their jackets. Or, that it's silly when Jaws flaps his arms like a bird to survive a fall landing on a tent.
Ok, so I have a question that will probably show me up as an ignorant cock weasel, but I am, so I'm going to ask it. Do you Americans really get paid by cheque (check?). As in, when pay day rolls around at the end of the month you get a cheque which you then have to deposit into your bank account, and then wait for it to clear before you get your wage? Because that sounds like a right fucking wank fest.
Okay, in an effort to make up for yesterday's Bond disaster, the boyfriend and I have decided to spend the day watching "not-shitty Bond movies". Die Another Day is on right now, which is what spurred us to this decision. Suggestions from the idiots on which ones we should watch? I think we own them all, but I definitely haven't seen every Bond movie.
I get direct deposit and so do most people, but I have some temps that don't trust banks and still get a check. They don't have bank accounts, either, so they go to a check cashing place that charges them four or five dollars to cash the check. I've tried to explain that this is stupid, but I have been unsuccessful.
People get checks (or "cheques", if YOU'RE snooty and shit)? I would imagine most employers offer direct deposit, the only people that usually do not have it or ones that never bothered to fill out the required information to set it up. I couldnt imagine dealing with that crap every two weeks. I place much more trust in the banking system than the postal service. Edit: Angel can go shove her grammar nazism, but corrected nonetheless.
I trust banks about as much as I trust an alcoholic not to drink at a bar. But assuming you don't have a huge amount of money in them there's nothing to worry about. What I really don't trust them about is their leverage rates and how much cash they keep on hand.
Pussy Galore. I enjoy all of the Sean Connery movies (Goldfinger is awesome) and The Man with the Golden Gun isn't bad for having Roger Moore in it. I thought Skyfall was pretty good too.
How do you folks in truly hot climates keep anything in your vehicle during the day? Last week it hit 91 with high humidity and everything in my car melted. I opened my Chapstick and was burned by the now magma contents which instantly solidified all over me and everything else in my car forming this post-bukkake scene. Old Spice deodorant in my gym bag was hot soup too. And this is in mild northeast summer weather, nevermind 115 or some nonsense. Everything that's not melted is scorching hot. Seatbelt buckles, vinyl, paint, any metallic trim will be 200 F. How do you people handle this all summer? O-face: Spoiler (Lupe Fiasco)
I'm in Georgia, USA, and have had direct deposit since 1992. There are still some people where I work who receive a live check every week. Crazy.
So I take my client out to lunch and come back and the office is completely fucked up. Trees down, cars totaled, people hurt. Apparently in the hour that we were gone the place got hit by a microburst. Ill take some pictures but this is nuts.