I don't know why this never really occurred to me before, (I mean, I knew it happened, but I never really thought about it), but there are lurkers here. People who are just sitting on the periphery reading all this stuff. And I'm not talking about the shy ones who keep silent for a few weeks and then jump in - there are dudes who have been watching us like peeping Toms for years. That's fucked up.
Peeping Tom? More like the NSA. A peeping Tom merely sees into your house. These folks have all sorts of details about your personal life, and if they're creepy and dedicated enough, your location. I know that I've shared enough around here that if someone really wanted to, they could probably follow the trail and find out exactly who I am. That's reality and the risk I assume by posting here. It is fucked up though. The least they could do is post every now and again or throw a rep point our way once in a while.
We're like wannabe CIA agents. Casey is right, you can compile all sorts of data about everyone. I'm not that dedicated though. And I do pro rep once in a while, not often considering I've been around since 2004.
Man With the Golden Gun makes me extremely happy. Three nippled Christopher Lee, Phu-yuk wine, MIDGET? Come the fuck on. A man can only take so much awesome. Thunderball, too. For Your Eyes Only is underrated as hell. It might be the only one where Moore actually does spy shit. Not to mention the coldest kill in the series (Locque in the car). Just as good as From Russia With Love if it wasn't for the jailbait chick that served no purpose. Casino Royale is still my favorite. Eva Green is fucking dangerous. A View To a Kill gets a pass for Walken laughing himself to death, otherwise it's the worst thing ever: Spoiler Named after her father perhaps? My favorite exchange. I can't not laugh at that.
I would think folks would post just to open the discussion up a bit. Because its seemed our ability to have a serious thread that doesn't degenerate into hard nosed dogma has gone the way of the birds.
You could have an old lurker come out of the woodwork to say something only to have a bunch of people jump his shit for no reason, too.
Look, I gave him the chance to save us all and he couldn't do it like he promised. I don't know about you, but I have no time for false prophets. He's lucky we're not Roman.
In other news, Lone Wolf McQuade my be my favorite awesome-bad-awesomely bad movie. At one point Chuck Norris (playing pretty much himself) gets buried underground in his vehicle. He wakes up, kicks open the glove compartment, chugs the two warm 'Lonestar' beers in there, then puts it in 4-wheel low and drives OUT OF THE GROUND! Yeah, good stuff. I'm on an emergency work call so I haven't started drinking yet but hey, the WDT has basically become a misc board from when it starts to whenever Nom closes it weeks later anyway.
So, my girlfriend and I went out to watch the new Star Trek the other day. I saw a preview for 'Despicable Me 2.' It looked cute, and one of the characters was rocking a Mennonite beard. Anyone seen the original? Worth watching? Bonus, this is also my 'O' face.
Cut me some slack, I'm running low on Cosby gifs. Soon I'm going to have switch back to gifs of just regular black people.
For Your Eyes Only is pure awesome. A bonifide Flemming Bond movie without idiotic gadgets and steel-toothed freaks. View to a Kill suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. Am I supposed to believe Grace Jones is attractive or something? Much less having the wimpiest, most irritating and grating Bond "heroine" in the entire series Mine: 1) Octopussy. A Saturday matinee thrill ride par excellence. 2) From Russia with Love 3) Casino Royale. I think Timothy Dalton is an underrated Bond. He's probably the closest resemblance to Flemming's Bond, and he had a visible mean streak. George Lazenby is a retarded cocksucker and Majesty is a shitty Bond film to me no matter HOW much other fans rave about it. It sucks completely and is heresy to the Bond franchise.
I like to imagine, in your new capacity as VP-Of-Something at Some-Company-USA, you insert gifs (hard G) of black people into your professional memos. Like, Dear Mr. Smith, We regret to inform you that your services will no longer be required. Per our agreement, your date of termination will be fourteen calendar days after receipt of this letter. Also, Kind regards, JUICYVP.
First the rep and now this? Ya just cant let it go, can you girlfriend? I know, I know. If I interacted with me, I probably wouldnt be able to contain myself either. As for the memo, it would go something like this: "To: Client XYZ From: Juicykins Subject: ABC Subsidiary Growth Objective [buzzword][buzzword][buzzword][Fire x# of people because thats what everyone thinks we do 24/7][buzzword][buzzword][buzzword][buzzword]. By the way, heres a nice Bill Cosby gif for you to forward everyone to soften the blow especially since its Christmastime and many of their children will be orphans. Heres your itemization. As you can see we significantly overbilled you for the services provided which amounted to us stating the blatantly obvious. Kind regards, JuicyLovesYouLongTime ^_^ <3"
If I were fired like that, I can't say I'd be angry. I would be too confused to be angry, but I wouldn't be angry.