is anyone else surprised at the accessibility of large-style fireworks? Don't get me wrong, I love blowing shit up/watching stuff go boom, but didn't dhokar tsarnaev drive up to New Hampshire and buy fireworks? I thought for sure those would be the first thing to get regulated. I don't know why, but the 4th is one of those holidays that I could take or leave. My family doesn't have any traditions, and the amount of people/level of law enforcement out is just a headache. I'd rather work that day, and get an extra day off later. Every year for the last 3 years around this time I get pulled over coming home from work, and have to disappoint some cop that I'm not drunk, just leaving work at 1:30 in the morning.
New Hampshire isnt as reactionary as other states and doesnt usually treat its citizens like retarded chimps. In Massachusetts on the other hand, there's a big electronic billboard on the way into Boston saying "NO FIREWORKS - JAIL OR FINE FOR VIOLATION." Isnt that nice? At least Connecticut decided to decriminalize them (somewhat) about 10 years ago.
Jesus Christ, this is what I'm talking about. Not that the regular posters aren't strangers to me either, but a total random, as his first conversation to me, just asked about my nipple clamps. That's fucking weird. It's up there with the Toronto meetup experience where someone said "it's funny, y'know, I just met you, but I've already seen your tits".
True story. I like to read the threads on my lunch break (maybe 3 times a week) so I have a limited time window to contribute to whatever tangent the drunk tread has taken. I will be reading something four pages back that I might have commented on but the depraved flow of consciousness has taken six ninety degree turns since then. Also, I don’t know who any of you are (not a negative, I like it anonymous) and I don’t really care to learn (which is cool too, not caring about stuff is cool). So I don’t contribute with the intimate comebacks that make the reading enjoyable (but please keep them burns coming regardless). (yes I realize that everything I wrote contradicts itself, I like it that way) If I remember correctly someone had put together a spreadsheet of every poster’s defining contributions in order to keep strait which character flaws went with each username and avatar. That is probably the hobby of many a lurker.
Do I count as a lurker? I'm not an everyday poster, but I'm also not someone who's never posted either. I've had plenty of PM conversations with people but I'm nowhere near a "regular" on the WDTs. Perhaps some weird hybrid of lurker and contributor...I shall ponder this over scotch....
Isn't this fun, boys and girls? Seriously though, all of you former lurkers, please keep posting. And I'd remind our regulars that, even if you lurk for years, it can take some time to get with the flow and tone of posting here. Given that we currently have a thread on tossing salad, I'm not sure any of this is particlualry awkward or alarming.
I thought I remembered someone posting such a spreadsheet. It might have been on Tucker’s old board, or it could have been a flashback from my CIA gig in ‘Nam.
In my city in Virginia all fireworks are illegal, even fucking sparklers. Thankfully the police don't seem to care if you bring back cases of them from South Carolina.
Re: Re: Weekend Drunk Thread 6/28 Give it about 10 minutes and I'm sure Simmo- er, Parker, can whip something up and publish it on his site.
If I have to read one more post on my FB timeline about "cronuts" I'm going to get irrationally angry and post my displeasure to a messageboard of internet strangers. It's a fucking turnover that's shaped like a circle instead of a triangle you fucking mouth breathers.