He joined the American Family Association? I thought the only machine he raged against had Whirlpool printed on it.
As a (kind of) lurker I can tell you what usually stops me from posting. I was catching up on the posts, reading pages 30-35, and came across 3 or 4 topics that I would love to post about. If I did, I'd look like a moron, talking about something that was topical 2-3 hours ago. Is it acceptable to rehash something that everyone else seems to have moved on from? Since this is what I'm doing, 2-3 days ago, and several pages back. Oh, and Hi Everyone, Happy Fourth!
Everyone knows that when you're $150,000+ post grad degree leaves you unemployed and up to your eyeballs in debt the only logical thing to do is double down and go for another one.
Don't you remember? He enjoys getting boned in the butt. Sometimes, when you can't get a woman to do it for you, you just gotta do it yourself.
As for livening the place up can't we anoint someone new with Mod powers to bump threads? Have I just missed the explanation why this can't/isn't happening every time it has come up? Hell even the threads that spun off of WDTs have been fun, but it happens so rarely. Kind of changed my mind about keeping them open all week....
Cause the suggestion thread is filled with spam. We can't see it, but I mod another board that uses phpBB and it's a pain in the ass to weed through. You have to have a tool that can sort through it or block it out, not rocket science but NettData was the only one who could do it as he had Admin privileges.
Right but suggested threads can be PMed to mods right? So they don't have to wade through them..... I mean theyre not all Dixiebandit classics but hey.
I run a good percentage of the threads suggested to me via PM. However, some of them need some massaging, and I don't always have the bandwidth.
<a class="postlink" href="http://imgur.com/a/jvzsS" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://imgur.com/a/jvzsS</a> That awkward moment when you have to stop watching a porn because the guy looks like your buddy. That even more awkward moment when you have to decide do you ask him about it or not. How does that conversation even go?
I rang in the 4th of July like God and our Founding Fathers intended: sandwiched between two gay guys in Speedos, having a twerking contest with a drag queen, licking a shirtless stranger from his belt buckle to his neck, and having a guy literally bounce quarters off my ass. God. Bless. America.
There's a porn chick that looks exactly, and I mean fuckin EXACTLY, like a friend I have that's a bartender. Can't remember her name or I'd find a picture. The only difference is, my friend is about 5'7", and the porn chick is like, 4'11". But I was sitting at the bar and I was like, "Hey Becca, you have a little sister that does porn or something? 'Cause I saw a girl that looks exactly like you getting railed while eating pussy." She checked it out and got back to me next time I saw her. She was amazed at how much the girl looked like her, and laughed about it. Eliza something. 4'11", blond... can't remember the fuckin name