They are even electric with battery backup--in every room as required by our local township! We lucked out because normally we wouldn't have 9V batteries in the house. But my mom is a paranoid freak and bought a stun gun for my 17-year-old for when she walks from the parking lot to her job at an outdoor mall and it takes those kind of batteries. And a big thumbs up to the updates to the Tiber thread. Hey, if you guys can try to encourage (harass?) the ladies for the booby thread, I shall do my part to encourage the men to do what is only right. I may be (oldish?) but I'm not dead and I certainly appreciate the eye candy. Speaking of, we have a swimmer that comes back during the summer during college breaks and he is looking mighty fine. Funny thing is when I mention to my husband that he is back for the summer, his response is, "He's the hairy one, right?" He is, and he looks great! Sigh.
There is a guy who brought dumbells to the beach with him. Dumbells. Are. You. Fucking. Kidding me?!?? I should tell him where the nearest squat racks are so he can blast his bi's in true style. I used to think guys spritzing themselves down was the douchiest thing a man could do near the water. not only does this take the title, it will hold it until infinite. I am mind-boggled here.
Dude, live your life. Actually live it. You're at the beach with your kid, but you're posting about douches on this messageboard. Go put your feet in the water and forget this place for a few hours.
She's karate-kicking whitecaps at the moment and wants no help. It's more amusing to watch since half the waves are fast and large enough to wipe her out.
After 5 hours of running your ass off, closing a kitchen in a tank top feels great and since I work with a back of country racists and potheads, no one judges. Remember folks, a tank top isn't a guaranteed attempt to get laid because you muscles are awesome. I weigh 135 and any muscle definition I have is countered by my pasty whiteness. Sometimes it's just a matter of comfort. Speaking of comfort, I don't miss walking up/down a flight of stairs every time I walk out the door, but I do miss not having to worry about walking around naked in my own apartment. Also dumbbells at the beach is simply a practical choice. You get to pump them guns AND get that tan on at the same time, son. No gym membership, no tan fees. Save that money for taking those bitches to the club.
It's not just tank tops that are back. It's the neon/fluorescent ones. Everywhere looks like the set of Miami Vice since the weather got warm. All we need is mesh shoes and rolled-sleeved sport coats to hit it again and we're laughin'.
Sold a mutual fund 3 years ago and never reported it, didn't report the 29 bucks in interest I made from my savings account. Fucking IRS.
Be sure they are considering your cost basis for the fund and not just the final value, you may have to provide some documentation. Assuming your income is somewhere between 30k-70k your tax rate would be 25% of the net gain. The IRS will work with you but you need to communicate with them.
The mutual fund is on me, I fucked that up by not reporting it but they have to ding me for less than 30 dollars interest on a savings account that never has more than 1000 bucks in it at any given time? Christ.
Do voodoo symbols written in chicken blood count? I really, really need a camera. I've got river trout that look amazing. Making a bourbon pecan butter sauce to throw on those boys. Not that anyone cares, I just like throwing my awesome dinner plans out there. Suck it long, suck it hard, tv dinner land. If anyone has ever given an inkling of desire to buy a cookbook I highly suggest Paul Prudhomme's Louisiana Kitchen. This is my religious text. The sacrament is replaced with brown roux and andouille. A very close second is Anthony Bourdain's Les Halles cookbook. The best of all the bistro hits which is, arguably, the French stuff you really want to eat. Also beer.
If you have an IRS office near you and you have IRS problems, go directly into the office and talk to them face to face, it is amazing how much better they are to deal with, do not carry a gun into the IRS office though, they are very sensitive about that.
Actually the tax rate that year for capital gains across the board was 15% regardless of income, part of the Bush tax cuts.
I went to see This is the End this afternoon. If you have ever wanted to see Seth Rogen drink his own urine or Micahel Cera get a rimjob, this is the movie for you.
Does Michael Cera make the same face he makes in EVERY OTHER THING HE DOES when he's getting a rimjob? Also, I can't let this go: Spoiler
I am! Just not as frequently...I miss NetDaddy. At least Charter changed his handle back to Kojak circa RMMB and even TMMB days. ToyToy is back after disappearing for what seemed like a year. We still have you and the other TIBettes around. Crown Royal still rants and raves. I'll stop complaining and just continue to enjoy. Since this is the WDT: Great party last night. Woke up this morning, cleaned up with the roommates, then polished off some 'blue drank' and played cornhole. (The bean bag game you jackals The blue drank was a pre-made 5L bladder of some vodka kool-aide esque concoction. Not horrible, but won't be buying it again.