What do you mean "seems"? That was the whole point of self checkout. I don't like using them either if I can avoid it, I buy a lot of produce and and am slow with punching the codes in, plus for stuff like it's kale is hard to get the entire product on the scale so it almost always causes an error, and don't even get me started on people who use the self check out lines and still pay by check, why is that even allowed?
I can't tell if this response is entirely a joke or not. Because I literally have never seen this in my entire life. Is this really a thing?
The grocery store in our town has a big (I mean literally covers an entire wall) sign that says, basically, do not tip the baggers. I avoid it all together and take my own groceries to my car. The only time I've seen people tip baggers is when they carry the groceries out to the customer's car. If they're just bagging, fuck it, that's their job. They make minimum wage, and it isn't as if they live on tips like servers.
I freakin' love self-checkout lines. I rarely see people gumming up the works (like paying by check) at the places I shop, so there's usually no line, nobody bagging my stuff in some stupid way (why do I need a whole separate bag for a head of lettuce?), and I don't need to interact with dumbasses. It's almost always a net gain for me since there are never lines, but even if I've got a bunch of produce and end up slowing down a little, I'd rather bag my own stuff and not make small talk with people I'm not interested in conversing with.
Seconded. I've shopped at a Whole Foods in a very nice area next to hordes of wives popping out of Range Rovers and M-Classes, but I've never seen anyone tipped with more than a thank you. Also, tan lines are too 90s for me. Once you've seen a finely tanned pair of titties, you no longer want some ghostly imprint. Sometimes they can't be avoided, but if you're giving me the choice? I could care less about associations and more about the direct aesthetics in front of me.
Self-checkout all the way. There are two stores by me, one of them a Jewel with Self check out and a Target that doesn't have one. Since the Jewel opened the self check out lanes, I've maybe went through to a person just once. I feel like it takes longer, and the awkward conversation is so annoying. In Target, I have no choice and the conversation is always very awkward, its weird. Even when I have my headphones in, they keep trying to make small talk.
I'll be completely honest, I steal from the self check out every chance I can get. I also make sure to hit the button for bringing my own bags, which deducts 5-10 cents, at least 10 times.
The only time self-check-out becomes a pain in the ass is when it doesn't recognize you've bagged something or the computer freezes. Otherwise they are super convenient, or profitable if you're Popped Cherries.
Jewel doesn't have said button, that's pretty fucking dangerous since there are miscreants like PC out there. Target takes off 5-10 cents for bringing your own bags. Also, re: tanlines. As much as I have opinions on so many things, I really means nothing to me. Depending on where she live and her beliefs in tanning booths, it may be really hard to tan topless. But 100% tanned looks great, but I'm never deducting points because of tan lines.
As a grocery manager, I can say the self-checkout is a tricky situation. I'll freely admit it does keep labor down, but the headache and lack of customer service that comes with it pretty much negates the advantage. Plus they're extremely pricey, and need to be serviced constantly(like 20 grand a pop). We don't use them for exactly that reason. As far as baggers go, if 70% of our clientele weren't 65-80 years old, i doubt we'd have as much or any. High school kids are still more reliable/easier to train and maintain. i'll second hating the "customer is always right". You would not believe the things people think they can say, simply because they're purchasing things from us. I had a 70-80 year old man ask me yesterday, "why don't i have more Americans working here", because 2 of my cashiers were latino.
That is nothing. A few weeks ago I had a woman drop pants and take a shit in a check out lane that was not currently running. Seriously. Right there in the most highly monitored and recorded environment in the store.
I think I speak for all of us here when I say that you HAVE to get the security footage and post it here.
You wouldn't believe the things people say when they're *not* purchasing things from us. Last week someone sprayed doodoo feces on the men's bathroom wall. Elderly routinely come in and ask for the sale price on items that are not and have not recently been on sale. They also try to haggle. This irrationally enrages me. I should just laugh it off, but I take it personally that this fuckface, decrepit monkey skeleton thinks they should get something for cheaper just because. I want to break their hips. I want to tell them how close they are to the grave and how happy it makes me. I hope their children steal from them and their nurses let their infections fester. People regularly call us looking for their special orders. They called the wrong store. They, of course, insist otherwise. They also call asking for items we never carried (or items they can't even describe) then get angry at me when we don't carry it. The kids breaking shit drives me batty. It's bad enough they scream and cry and the parent goes about their shopping for baubles like the critter is invisible, but the little shits have to rip stuff open too. No, we're not allowed to charge mommy for ruining our products.
In "strange stories that might make you feel better about your own decision making skills:" Chad Johnson gets 30 days in jail for slapping his lawyer on the ass in court.
Judge McHugh ain't nothin' to fuck with but damn is she hot. Blondes really aren't my thing but seriously, maybe it's the position of authority blurring my vision a bit but she has to be one of the best looking judges ever.