If you want to wait a few days, wait a few days. Or just fool around or whatever. Or have her fuck you with a strapon, however you get your jollies. If she's only in town for a couple nights though, I say play through it.
Dude, just a long term relationship. You know, like when a girl touches your arm one time and you steal her underwear and smell it while masturbating.
Well the penis might break the magic seal and then all of a sudden it's elevator-scene-in-the-Shining, you see.
Arm touching? I just thought it meant breaking into their house when they're at work and huffing their dirty panties until you pass out.
Don't forget about tying their used nylons around your neck. It's a key component most people forget about in the heat of a good panty sniffing session. Show of hands, who has actually ever stolen something of a girl's as a sort of sick trophy you stuff in the back of your sock drawer?
I have three pair of panties, the Pièce de résistance, being the girls panties I lost my virginity to. I might have that sumbitch framed. None stolen though all subtly left by the girls who wore them. They all do reside in the back of a sock drawer.
Never stole any, but I did have countless panties and/or bras left in my hotel room and car. I always wondered how the fuck someone could forget to put their undies on. I always just threw them away, because what the fuck use do I have of used women's underwear?
Wait...are you saying that you lost your virginity to multiple girls? Or are you saying that you lost your virginity to a girl's pair of panties?
We're talking 20-30 years ago folks. Nowadays they'd be leaving adult diapers in my car and I doubt anyone is kinky enough to want that shit.
There's no need for trophies anymore with Facebook. Now you can look up your exes to see if they got fat, and masturbate to their beach photos if they aren't.
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