Well, within the body there is a link to a story about - Which leads to South Florida mug shots for people like - In fact, that website is like finding a rabbit hole where all the crazed Floridians live.
Seriously dude, your state is like a perfect storm of clusterfucks. I must venture to these rural zoos I am never around in Florida next time I come down.
I'm still surprised when I talk to people from other states and they don't realize that all of this stupid shit happens here. I've been all over this state too; it doesn't matter what part of the state you go to, you can't travel 15 miles in any direction without running into areas that have trailer parks with exploding meth labs, KKK meetings, gang banging, bums biting faces off of other bums while naked or stabbings over macaroni and cheese. Nowadays, I'm more shocked when I read a sensational headline like those found in the Casey Anthony case, the George Zimmerman case or someone caught beheading kittens and using their blood as lube to masturbate with that doesn't happen in Florida. I guess I'm so used to it at this point that I just expect it. For instance; I was utterly shocked when they caught that dude who had the women as sex slaves for a decade in Cleveland. I fully expected that to have been from somewhere in Tampa or Orlando......surely they are there and just haven't been found yet.
Too tired for work today, holy fack. Only 6 more hours to go. Also, I present to you the Game of Thrones theme song with a twist.
Some quotes I've heard recently when striking up conversations at the bar. "I'm trying to work and the trees keep stealing my oxygen." "My xbox has a power off button? I just unplug da fuckin' thing." "So I took my kid to the doctor and he wanted to give him all these vaccinations. I was like, people in the middle ages didn't get this shit. My kid doesn't need that. So the doctor keeps trying to argue with me, and I'm like you people will do anything to get me to buy shit." "But only niggers get sickle cell anemia. Doesn't that therefore prove that their gene pool is contaminated?" "He's sweating like a nigger tryin' to read." I swear there are normal people here, but there's just a ... colorful mix. I actually enjoy meeting all these insanely backwards people. If nothing else they keep things interesting.
Apparently you need to change your signature to has racist, dumb friends. Btw, I'm hoping everyone on here, if they have kids (and some of us, God forbid), that everyone actually gets their kids the normal vaccines. Nothing gets me pissed off like hearing peoples excuses for not getting their kids protected. There's not a decent reason not to do it.
What are worse, "Florida People" or "Texas People"? I've met Kentucky people. They didn't care for faggots very much.
Yeah...FL, you've got some weird ducks. I don't know if it's just the population I'm seeing, but nobody takes care of their nails. I see disgusting, yellowed, thickened talons on everyone's fingernails and toenails. And a lot of missing teeth/decisions to leave the dentures at home. It kinda gives me the willies. There's other weird shit, of course.
Really? Its not even a contest. Florida people. Florida isn't Disney. Its a mix of old retired Jewish people, hardcore ghetto, modern suburbia, hardcore bible bashing rednecks, good ole white trash, pill poppers (Florida is the epicenter of pain med abuse, hell there are pain clinics in Tampa) and everything in between all within the same area. Florida is a diverse state. With Texans all you have to do is stay off their property, don't threaten to take their guns, and let them have their fair and their happy. Florida is just a clusterfuck. Seriously. I don't know what it is about the state, maybe its the swamp gas, but yea. Its Florida.
Texas dumb asses - dumb with an ego because they think Texas is the greatest place on Earth. Florida dumb asses - stupid and breaking the law in some really retarded way. Definitely Florida because it is the second chance state; we seem to get every lowlife from east of the Mississippi once they get out of lock up. I recommend everyone make a trip to southern Kentucky in their lifetime, it should be a requirement. These people are a special breed of hillbilly.
My first Waffle House ever was Kentucky. A Noah's Ark off-ramp. People with Jack-o-Lanternesque dentistry who stare at you with their mouth open.
Ahem, those people aren't my friends. You do talk to strangers when you go out too, right? Anyway, that guy thought he was protecting his kid. I didn't post the whole rambling conversation, but he thought that since vaccinations were unnatural they would damage your immune system and inhibit responsiveness later in life. Ergo, get vaccinations as a toddler and have a life time of sickness. It's all just an evil ungodly corporate product they're cramming down our throats.
You also have fancy breakfast places too. While I was there, I saw that theres even an INTERNATIONAL House of Pancakes.