I prefer using bar soap because it doesn't require a loofah or fancy sponge, but dammit if the soap doesn't always melt. The heavy are playing in boston next tuesday, ny next wednesday and in philly next friday. I'll be at the philly show. PAAAAARTY.
Less waste? Are you really that poor that you can't afford to lose any unused suds down the drain? And if we're talking about waste here, bar soap comes in a box. Liquid soap comes in a plastic bottle. The plastic bottle wastes a whole hell of a lot more energy to manufacture and then recycle. Boom. Fucking. Roasted.
Does anyone here live in LA? Is this in any way indicative of the type of people that lives there? I'm thinking they're probably just showing the worst of the lot...but c'mon.
Re: Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, 6/7 Oh cool, this is something I can comment on, David Icke is........... Mentally ill, at a minimum. The overwhelming majority of my cousins are Jones/Icke believers, the reptile thing came up recently and I couldn't stifle my laughing anymore. They didn't find it funny as they truly believe that reptiles run the world disguised as humans.......... I didn't even know what to say.
You have no idea what the Illuminati and the Lizard People are capable of if teamed. They already have chemtrails and put fluoride.......in our toothpaste!!!!
After posting that, I went and read some of his craziness. Apparently the Lizard men are from the constellation Draco. Of course the constellation Draco, or any constellation, isn't a place, per se, but a perceived image formed by our perspective of an arrangement of stars and galaxies in space. Besides, we all know that the Illuminatti run the world.
I am now sitting here at my desk sipping on a Kettle One citron and soda...I think my work here today is done. My wife left yesterday for a month to the in-laws with the kids. This may not be my only drink this afternoon.
I just found out that my across-the-street neighbours play with samurai swords and ninja stars. And like... invite friends over to play with these things... and climb trees in the backyard together... and stuff. I don't know if I should be laughing or crying.
My buddy just had me watch a video of a girl removing her tarpon and then sucking the blood out of it. I think Im going to be fucking sick.
If I hear this song one more time at work, I'm going to break the fucking radio. Normally I like Blake Shelton but holy shit this song is annoying. Chew tobacco, chew tobacco, chew tobacco, spit. Ugh. In other news, waking up at 3:30am is for the birds. It was one thing when these were my normal hours but I'm used to sleeping in until 6. Two weeks of vacation coverage where I'm stuck going in before daylight makes me want to hibernate all weekend. At least I'm getting some overtime.