Meanwhile, in UTC plus 10 hours time... Sunday night is done Now it is Monday morning Oh shit I'm fucked
Nevermind women. FOOD PORN. Pork terrine wrapped in bacon, studded with pistachios and prunes. Pork meatloaf, bitches. Smoked pig's snout stuffed with more pork and it's tongue. Boned turkey leg turducken, confited. Spoiler I am so fucking hard I could get a job making knotholes in fences. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> is one of the best food blogs. Especially for peculiar eaters.
Can't add or subtract. I am only good with words. Still suck at scrabble. I meant for the contest to run to 10 pm central today. So that's what we are going to do (as long as the haikus are still cool by the mods). Keep them coming folks. Bukake of syllables. Aim for Ballsack's eye.
Trapped, suffocating, A cocoon of fetid air I hate dutch ovens. Accidentally, I sent my grandma goatse. Disinherited. (Haiku with potential GoT spoiler below) Spoiler George R. R. Martin, Finish the next fucking book. IS JON SNOW ALIVE?????????????????? My boyfriend refused To let me warm my cold hands In his armpits. Dick. EDIT: My boyfriend refutes The previous assertion Says I do it "constantly."