You would have gone over extremely well at the Dragon Con parade in Atlanta I attended when I was there a couple weeks back.
Welp, I'm back from the store, so it's: Onions, a few random types of peppers, roasted corn, bacon and pumpkin beer in this chili. Obviously also all the usual stuff, I went with black/pink/kidney for beans and ground beef for the meat. I'll remember all the other suggestions though, thanks.
Sounds like a decent list. If you can ever get your hands on some, ground venison is (as far as I'm concerned) the best meat for a chili.
Helen Mirren (67) Jennifer Aniston (43) Although I'd gladly go up to a cumulative 114 and replace Jen with Monica Bellucci (47)
Saute the onions before putting them in the chili, but deglaze them with scotch (the cheap stuff) before mixing in the rest of the ingredients. Gives an awesome smokey flavor to the chili. Use cumin liberally. Bacon is good. Chipotle Peppers in Adobo or dried chipotles make the world go round. Also, chili doesn't have beans.
I made some over the weekend with the back loins of a goat that I put a nice hot rub on and smoked for about 4 hours. Chopped the shit out of the loins when they were done, mixed it in with some smoked tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, bacon and half a bottle of cheap red wine (merlot, can't remember what brand) and a bunch of the usual chili spices. Bar none, best chili ever.
There once was a man named McSweeney Who spilled some gin on his weenie Just to be couth He added vermouth And slipped his girl a martini
I am abnormally amuzed by this little diddy. I'm giggling. Also, NOM.... ground beef? Poor mans chili! Well...hmm...this is you, nevermind. IS IT 5PM YET?!
I would have gone for a delicately braised lamb, but my local boucherie didn't have any that they could guarantee had eaten a strict paleo diet.
Paleo is like the new tex-mex, everyone is shitting out advice about it. Lamb? As in bahhhhhhhhh? Aw, poor lil lamb. Better than veal I guess. I get the aw going when I'm on the freeway and pass one of those trucks that transport chickens to their death. They are all crouched back in the corner of their lil metal cage. The feathers all blowing in the wind. Then I remember, THATS WHERE BUFFFALO WINGS COME FROM! And I'm ok with it.
You know what, guys? Sometime last year in some discussion about favorite liquors, I said I liked gin and everyone told me that only old ladies drink gin in their bathrobes, and I've felt slightly self-conscious ever since when I order it at a bar like "Oh no, does that cute bartender now think that I'm an old lady in my bathrobe?" and now all of a sudden it's cool again? WHATEVER. I give up keeping up with all you cool kids. I made a huge scene in a doctor's office today and now I'm already drunk at 5:30. DAY OFF WOO.
Sorry, forgot to toss in, non-celebrities. Celebrities make it too easy. These are normal everyday, non-augmented people. Youngest is can be 18 years old. I had a coworker say "109 and 1." I fucking died laughing in the middle of a meeting.
How the fuck does that come up in a meeting? Also, cause people here like boobs in motion... And normally I hate the hula hooping idiots at festivals.