I agree for the most part, but we still see the occasional e-pissing contest. I think the biggest difference is we don't have quite as large a variety of threads in the general forum with any legs. Look at the ones that got bumped this week. The obesity thread (which lingered in the suggestion board for a while) ran for 19 pages until the WDT thread was opened, and then it seemed like someone slammed the brakes on it. Most new topics barely make it past 1-2 pages. It's as if we're just biding time, waiting for a WDT thread to open where posts can be about whatever. I think it would be an interesting experiment to relax the no politics rule (especially in a US election year) for a while. I want to see if Paleos identify with any particular political ideology.
I have no idea about the others on this board, but pretty much every single person with a book on the subject is a libertarian. Robb Wolf even created a separate podcast for his political ramblings.
Of course they did. Legitimate rape, anyone? The biggest political issue in the 10,231 BC election between Grunt and Ungh was 'if you hit the bitch with the club and she's knocked out, instead of just dazed, will her vagina magically prevent proper insemination?'
Worst idea ever. I fully realize that we are a "special, unique snowflake" in terms of message boards, but even we can't handle political discussion. It is impossible to discuss politics without getting angry. I could go into the basic psychology behind this, but the basic premise is that, when you discuss beliefs that are that ingrained and that strong, you cannot, under any circumstances, change anyone's mind, and attempting to do so will only cause the other party to become exceptionally and irrationally angry. I'd give a truly political thread about two pages before it devolved into flame wars. Want to bring about more traffic? Here is an idea: you (no doubt) have friends in real life that you occasionally talk to. Tell them about this place. Crazy, right? The other thing is that we used to get two or three new threads a day. Now we get two or three a week. When you get that many new threads, the good ones stay on the main page while the bad ones get pushed down. I feel like the mods should bump a thread from the suggestions even if it is a thread they don't think will generate much discussion. Worst case scenario: it falls off the first page after a day or two. It isn't like we're worrying about cluttering up the other 69 pages of threads we don't even look at anymore.
I don't know about that. Some of the better threads we've had have dealt with issues that involve social policy (banning sale of large sweetened soft drinks, legalizing weed, etc) which by their nature are political. Discourse requires opposing views. It'd be boring if we all ate Paleo and thought Casablanca was the greatest movie ever made, but on the other hand, we're not very tolerant of the beliefs of others because they challenge our own belief system and we rush to defend it rather than have enough of an open mind to think perhaps we're wrong and maybe we could learn something. The "basic psychology" at play here is defending our ego.
I'm gonna go with D26 on this. We'd like to think we can handle a political discussion, but it usually ends up with a closed thread and a myriad of angry PMs.
Second. Political threads are dead-end pissing matches and they create cliques amongst board members. I like the fact we all gradually get along on here and I don't need no civil warrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Spoiler
And one thing on paleos: you're telling me that I can't sandwiches anymore? Say that to my face. You had better know fucking karate, because I am coming at you LIKE A PINWHEEL OF DEATH. HI-YA!!!!!!!!!!!
I have had the blues lately. On one hand, I feel like I could really benefit from a little bit of fun so should seek some out. On the other hand, that would likely involve showering and changing out of my yoga pants, so really it is a toss up. Instead I guess I could mix up some gin and juice (since it is before noon still and I drinking it any other way would suggest alcoholic tendencies), look at pictures of legs, and contemplate sex with senior citizens (Ryan Gosling is 31, so that means the other partner needs to be 79 opening me up for Don King or Willie Nelson). That all sounds run, right? Regarding traffic, yeah, we don't seem to get many new faces around here, do we?
You keep up that kind of talk and you're headed right to the bone yard in 40 or 50 more years. Then we'll see who's laughing. That is anyone can still laugh when the osteoporosis has eaten most of their pelvises and spines. In other news, good morning, Emma Watson's legs.
A question for any country music fans that might be on here: What the fuck is wrong with you people? That is some of the most gaytarded shit I've ever heard. How the fuck are these "artists" even taken seriously?
I will counter your argument with the following video. I am not a friend of country music by any means, but I recognize pure genius when I see it.
Personally, my favourite threads on here are the Jackal Threads: threads where you find something or someone stupid out there in the world and everyone on here tears it a new asshole. Nothing brings the funny from board members like those things.
I know karate, and you'll thank me when I spin kick you with a delicious plate of shrimp curry with cauliflower rice.
"I'm very tired of this kind of humor. It's really not funny. Cannot wait until this Louis CK and Greg Giraldo type stuff is gone for more intelligent comedy." Paraphrase of an actual comment on this board. It helps if you read it in a Mort Goldberg voice. I would have commented on it when originally posted, but I feel bad for anyone with the Sword Blade Dildo from Seven wedged in his asshole sideways. Crown. You complete me.
"More intelligent comedy." Y'know, that hurts. Right here. *chest thump* Let me ask this to every single person on this board who reads this post: is there a board on the entire internet that's actually funnier than this place? That might be the stupidest post ever on here. This place is a laugh riot.
This place is the best. We just did 18 pages on obesity / diet and even amongst the "you're stupid" "no, you're condescending" stuff, there was actually comedy AND useful information. Any boards I go to are either too singulary focused or just quickly dissolve into shit storms and idiocy.
Ya'll are pussies. I love America, and I'd love to discuss your politics. I love your country so much, I'd even adopt your attitudes. I'd do this by picking a country I've never been to; that I only know what I've seen on TV (in my case, the US), and speaking about it condescendingly. Probably throw in some WWII references about how the US came to everyone's rescue, and they should all be grateful because you guys came in, after being sucker punched by Japan, with full resources to a continent that had been exhausted already by fighting a war on their own for so long, and barked orders at everyone. And then not mention any wars the US has participated since then... Quickly, fetch the tape measures while we drop trou'! Is everyone pissed off yet?
I think the woman have it much easier in this "sex with 2 that add up to 110" thing. They still have Clint Eastwood, Robert Redford, Sean Connery to choose from on the upper end of spectrum. That said, Sigourney Weaver (62) and Mary Louise Parker (48).