Tonight's experiment? Ambien. I'm flying to London in a week and a half. Last year, we went to Ireland. For those of you whom don't know, you leave Philly around 10 p.m., and by the time you land in Ireland it's morning. So the idea is you sleep on the overnight flight. Due to my size, or more accurately the size of the seats, I couldn't fall asleep despite taking a Tylenol PM. Therefore, I arrived in Ireland cranky, hungry, tired, and not at my normal cheerful best. I also fell asleep on every bus we got on in Ireland for the first two days. In order to avoid discomfort, or more properly, my wife's discomfort (because she booked the seat next to mine on the flight - silly woman), I had to go to the doctor and get a prescription for Ambien. I told her I needed two, one for the flight over, one for the flight back. She gave me ten and said 'you should try one before you leave.' So tonight's the night. Apparently, this stuff works so well, I'm literally supposed to be in bed before I take this shit. We shall see.
There's a difference - a cat doing what you described is just a cat being a cat. On the other hand there's absolutely no way Buck didn't know exactly what he was doing when he put on the poor neglected doggie act in order to try to get some pizza.
Parents are buying a rabbit hutch for some reason. I think this is how I'm going to have to put my dad down:
For a sleeping pill - ambien is fucking magical. But yeah. Be in bed. And stay in bed. And dont mix with alcohol.
Why is it that every blatantly racist asshole tries to justify it with this bullshit? Honestly. Just fucking say it or shut your mouth. Don't sugar coat it with this crap.
Yeah, it's totally just a political opposition to Israel or general Mid East policy. Sure. We completely believe that. That's just from the most recent rep you've left me. Further examples abound throughout this board. You're an antisemitic asshole. You hate Jews, you just happen to also hate Israel because it's filled with them.
I don't understand the whole "it's not coming from hate man. It's the funny!" position when it comes to being a racist Jew hating bigot. I've just always considered ballsack basically a real life Cartman. Hate filled, somewhat observant, fairly intelligent (probably more thn the average person), but ultimately I just kind of...ignore him. I really don't read much of any of his posts.
I just wish he'd stop posting in the sports threads. One can only hear someone be called a cheating spear chucking negro enough times before it gets tiresome.
There's a multitude of reasons I think you're a piece of shit, but none more glaring than the fact that you're a fucking rapist. Fuck you and everything about you.
Meh. I never got the rampant ballsack hate. He says things just to get a rise out of people sometimes, which can be annoying, but whatever. Quite frankly, I get more upset when people make hair brush jokes after all this time. Let's all just settle down and watch some funny gifs:
Most of me hates Kimaster, but part of me thinks he's good for the board. When he's not around people turn their hate on 'Sack.
Learning that the girl you had feelings for is an idiot party girl, which you sort of knew all along, isn't an awesome feeling of validation. Also, fuck selfish friends. I'm going to my first Bears game tomorrow and am damn excited about it but my friend who I am going with acted like such a fuckstick tonite that my excitement is tempered
So after the "legitimate rape" debacle happened, I was reading about feminism and rape culture on the Internet. That whole world of trigger warnings and male privilege is interesting to me, but it also makes me feel implicitly under attack, so it sort of makes me feel defensive at the same time. Anyway, in that discussion, one thing I learned was that if someone is too intoxicated to consent, then if you have sex with that person, it's rape regardless of what they said or did at the time. Now there is some debate over what "too intoxicated to consent" means, but my impression was that it happens way before a person passes out or becomes, e.g., too intoxicated to walk. So I'm watching MTV because The Real World is a total guilty pleasure. Around the Vegas season in the Palms Hotel, the show became about 7 strangers who are drunk from approximately one hour after they wake up until they pass out at night. Seriously, guys, you'd have much less drama in your life if you weren't all wasted all the time. But I digress. In between the segments of the show is a commercial for a new show called "Wake Brothers" about two brothers who wakeboard for a living or something. They run this commercial 8 times an hour because they have no other commercials to run. One of the Wake Brothers (I don't know their names; we will call them Bob and Doug Wake), let's say Bob Wake, is bragging about how he got laid. But then Doug Wake says "yeah, but she was haggard" or something. Bob Wake agrees and says "she didn't even remember it after." And then they laugh. Did Bob Wake just admit to raping a woman on TV? Because I think if you're blackout drunk, that would probably be "too drunk to consent."
Especially at universities it can feel like men are singled out as rapists, especially the first few days of freshman year. At my school we were told we had a mandatory writing lecture on how to write better. Instead we were herded into the auditorium, and told about how 1 in 3 women would be raped in their life time, and naturally the useful information on "don't drink too much where you don't know the people" and the locations of the "rape phones" around campus. Well, someone (a man) had the gall to ask where they got this 1 in 3 number, and they said "a study", and many more go unreported, so the number could be higher. If I remember correctly someone looked up the number and found it was actually a study on sexual assault that included cat-calls as "sexual assault". Women should of course be careful at all times. I personally will go out of my way to not make women feel uncomfortable though. If it is night, I will cross the street if walking behind a woman to avoid the chance of making her feel scared. I think it is because I know a couple of rape victims, including my cousin who was kidnapped and gang raped I try my best to not make women feel uncomfortable.
Wanna know the saddest fucking thing? In my frat in school, the older guys sponsor new recruits and act as a mentor when they get initiated. My "little brother" as we called them was a native Ghanan who had just came from Africa the year before and had quite literally lived in a tribe his whole life. One night I get a call to come pick him up at some random dorm. I obliged and got there and he is just sitting on a bench laughing with some girl, she gives him a hug, and he leaves. Two days later, she accuses him of rape to the campus Woman's Center. Why? Because according to her friends she had sex with him and felt guilty about cheating on her boyfriend and figured it would be a legit way out of it (she told them this verbatim). The Woman's Center gos apeshit and immediately goes to the Dean and tries to have him thrown out of school. A hearing is set up. Meanwhile my buddy is confused as hell because as far as he's concerned he had sex and doesn't understand why this is happening and why no one is taking his word for it, which they did in his tribe. I go to the African American Cultural Center and explain it on his behalf, and they agree to help. The head of it finds out that the head of the Woman's Center is married to a guy on the Board of Trustees that distributes funding the different groups and immediately backs down and stops answering our calls and wouldn't see us. 1 Week later he had his hearing and a bunch of my friends went on his behalf, but apparently having a bunch of frat guys speak on your behalf in a rape hearing doesn't work well. I begged her friends to come forward but they didn't want to get involved. 2 days later he was kicked out of school and went back to Ghana.
Chickened out on the Ambien. Take two tonight. Up at 5:45, walked dog, and heading to gym. I'd be there already, but the fuckfaces don't open til 8 on weekends. Been reading Stephen King's "11/22/63" and so far it has me enthralled.
I just found out that a 19-year-old that I work with, that has a 3-month-old that she doesn't want, is pregnant again. She said she doesn't like hormonal birth control. If only there was something else she could use...
I have no idea why we're discussing this in the WDT, but honestly it's really hard to have a substantive discussion of rape grey areas on the internet, so I'll bite. Drunk people are going to have sex. Call me a pessimist, but I think the only way to stop drunk people from fucking is Prohibition, and even that probably wouldn't really work. There also isn't really a bright and shiny line between "pleasantly drunk" and "incapacitated." It's often a judgment call that people have to make when their judgment is impaired. This can all make consent a very tricky business, but I don't think that drunkenness during sex per se implies rape. It certainly does put you at a fairly serious risk though. We can argue grey areas until the bulls' curfew, but I think it really comes down to the fact that nobody should ever feel raped, regardless of the situation and their gender. I'm much more concerned that people are happy and satisfied with the sex that they're having, than constructing some sort of magical definition that's going to encompass every single grey area (what is she had some nyquil? what if he was distracted because of midterms and wasn't thinking straight?). Anyway -- getting very drunk and engaging in sexual behavior puts you at risk of both assaulting someone and being assaulted. These risks can be mitigated by circumstances (splitting a bottle of wine with a long-term partner) or exacerbated by them(getting wasted at a BU Hockey party). So to your question -- did they just admit to rape? -- the answer is "unclear, but it certainly wasn't a very good situation." Bob admitted to behavior that was dangerous and put him at risk of having sexually assaulted somebody, but he really has no idea whether or not that was the case. Which is kind of the problem.