Should fix the problem. Or maybe your co-worker is trying to get a show on TLC. Can't we spay and neuter people yet? My cat has more common sense, and personality, and he lost his balls. I mean, yeah, the nazis took that whole eugenics thing a little far, but I'm sure we can find a happy medium. Yeah? No? Just, uhh... throwin' it out there. I propose a racism, eugenics, Legitimate-Rape thread. If only we could issue swords and daggers to each member.
I refuse to run it unless it also involves military spending, whether cats are stupid, and why men suck for playing too many video games.
... Which, after all, is New Zealand's Mexico. One litre can of Oktoberfest beer from Paulaner. Should help me forget about at least three of the languages that were spoken at me today.
Did you know that UN interpreters are only allowed to work for like 30 minutes at a time because of how exhausting it is to change over a language properly. That shit is hard, and a tiny mistake can fuck things up. Hell, look at the whole Khrushchev "we will bury you" statement, which one can argue was the defining statement for the American public during the Cold War, which from my understanding was a poor translation of a statement implying "we will be present at the death of capitalism"
I've never worked as a translator and I'm not good enough to be a professional one (in French) but that rule is either because translating UN documents and speeches is suicide-inducing, or because UN employees are lazy fucks who would make normal government bureaucrats look like beavers on cocaine by comparison.
Because I dont ignore the posts of the other members. This maybe the first (though for accuracy's sake lets say less than fifth) time I've EVER responded to you. I see enough people quoting you and calling you a Jew hating dick bag, along with quite a few other things, to know that I probably don't like you. So I don't read your tripe. I don't have to step in dog shit to know it's going to stink.
Oh yeah, all women have shuddering fantasies of being "slammed" and "titty-slapped" by Buster Bluth's creepy older brother.
Maybe, maybe not. When someone is blackout that means that alcohol has shut down the part of the brain that is responsible for forming new memories. That doesn't necessarily mean the areas responsible for motor function, judgment, and general processes are equally affected. I know people who blackout super easily, but the rest of their functions are operating on "mildly drunk" mode. I on the other hand can be completely obliterated and won't blackout, so if I reach that point I'm definitely too far gone.
Jesus Christ, now the DRUNK THREAD had devolved into bitchy name-calling? C'mon guys. Can we please stop being overly sensitive assholes that take every thread right into the ground with the back-and-forth mudslinging? This place used to have a sense of humour and a wee bit of tolerance. Let's revive the olden days and smarten the fuck up.
For real. Let's not offend the self admitted racist anti Semite. In other news, I've decided there's too much vodka in my apartment. To that end, I'm going to buy a watermelon, some mint, and some ice. Watermelon mint mojitos and football. Yay!!
Would anyone happen to know of a online streaming site i can watch nfl games on? I'm in Europe and these savages seem confused about what football is.
This whole "perfect weather weekend" thing is really throwing a curveball in my study plans. On the bright side, I didn't want to cut someone after running yesterday and this morning. It's a lot more enjoyable when it isn't 100 degrees and the run doesn't result in heat stroke. Who knew?
Remember chatting with a classmate of mine about running. He said he preferred weightlifting, because it was just easier. Sure, you'll want to kick my ass for making that statement, but you'll have to catch me first.
Ugh, I despise long distance running. I'd rather do sprints, whether they be in sport (soccer/basketball) or just sprints on a field. Running can bite me.
I like running on the beach so my feet sink in and it makes my ass put in extra effort to step. Nice breeze. Plus all the shit buried in the sand keeps you alert. But if I ran on a regular basis I'd weigh 120 pounds. I'm one of those assholes that lose weight if they miss a single meal. Since not being able to lift anymore, I went from 205 to 175. Looks like my favorite meal is heroin.