Dude, I'm high, a bit buzzed and just laughing. This is the banter I am accustomed to. Do I offend you? edited to add: Please be honest, I genuinely want to know if I sound that way....anyone?
Sounds like the same old Pimptress to me that we all know and love... Unless you start poking fun at me. Then you're being a bitch.
I think frosty has blue balls. Dude, I am kind of sorry if I offended you. Anyhow, How 'bout them Bronco's? edit because I am not as good as I think I am at drunk typing.
My friend picked up a stray at the bar. Now I'm third wheel. I hate being third wheel. I'm not drunk enough for this shit.
The Girlfriend and I had our first taste of Asian karaoke for a going away party. Utterly brilliant. First, you are in basically a champagne room with a tv and bottle service done by eager teenage boys. You have a series of lounge chairs and couches and a pretty impressive list of songs. The seclusion is key: only your friends are in the room to witness your embarrassment. And you can smuggle in your own booze. Second, the bottle service includes beer, ciggies, stupidly cheap mixed drinks and bar food. The room itself was only like $4/hour. Third, two in our entourage can actually sing. One of us was a South African man with a voice like a disappointed foghorn. The rest of us could only pray to approach mediocrity. However, the knock-off versions of famous songs were brilliant. "Bohemian Rhapsody" as an early 90's rap remix? Finally, all of the videos to accompany said music were either weirdly tranquil nature scenes ("Enter Sandman"), or videos of extras from "Saved By The Bell" prancing around San Francisco parks. I cannot emphasize to you how ridiculous the videos were: there was one song that featured a lesbian couple dressed like they were in Jurassic Park shopping for cd's together. It basically looked like fashion and cinematography peaked right around the time "Full House" was popular. If you can go to a place like K-TV, I strongly recommend it. Damned good times. Edit: I forgot that the songs come in like six languages, so we did a heart-warming rendition of a song in Arabic and one in Indonesian that made band practice sound like Beethoven's 5th.
Too tired to be happy about being awake, and somehow too wired to actually sleep. Trazodone is failing me.
Dude, as an insomniac, I know that you have to unplug. Get offline, turn the tv way down, and think of waves. Seriously.
Carolina Renaissance Festival! Fire Extravanganza!!! I don't even know what the Fire Extravaganza is, but the name alone leads me to conclude it will be awesome.
I feel obligated to add a major, major caveat: be fucking careful who you go with. If you go with the wrong people, you're going to be stuck listening to hours of Disney music and shitty 80's ballads.
Don't you dare rain on my parade. I fully expect to see lots of shit set on fire. And it involves acrobats. How can this possibly go wrong?