Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Not tonight for me guys, I am getting ready to head to bed an early morning tomorrow. Man, when did I get soooo lame.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Oh man, having a blast tonight. It's one of those nights where you somehow get your entire group of 15+ friends together at a hole in the wall bar. Huge LIT's help too. And tequila shots.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? My Alma Mater in high school just lost on a last second missed field goal to my twins high school that they presently attend. Damn, good thing I had that six pack of land shark to ease the pain. Actually, it was a really well played high school football game and I had a blast arguing with my kids and enjoying all that is fun about football at that level. It was great coming online after, and enjoying all that is fun about the weekend drunk thread. Damn it really is entertaining, and I do enjoy the endless bull and bump&tickle that goes with it.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? To those of you considering going to graduate school, I have this advice: Today I was in the office studying for an exam on Tuesday from 10am to 1230am. On the way home I decided, fuck my life, and picked up 2 40s and and massive cheeseburger from Jack in the box. I just want to cry all the time.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? So I was just taking a piss and took my beer with me, and I was peeing I took a sip....and suddenly felt the urge to start singing "It's the ciiiirrrrcccllle of liiiiiiiiiife"
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? That shit was on the super-duper extended Blu-Ray edition on the back side of Disc 43. I'm surprised you didn't get to it. It's right after the 26-minute singalong of "Praise him with great praise" with Merry, Pippin, and the Ent-choir. On that note, I heard this week about an improv troupe named "Rohan will Answer!" which I think is hilarious. Actually, "And Rohan Will Answer!" would have been slightly funnier but then again I'm an engineer and obsessed with little optimizations like that.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Fuck, I had no idea that today was a holiday when the liquor stores are closed. Now I have to ration through Monday. I knew I should have stocked up yesterday.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Andy Rooney died. I'm sure old people everywhere are deeply upset and are currently discussing it at breakfast buffets everywhere.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? When I was in Myrtle Beach earlier this year, we went golfing. We got back, I poured myself a glass of Powers whiskey and jumped in the shower. It was sheer awesome to sip that whiskey (careful to not let any water get into it) while standing in the shower. Circle of life indeed. And for the record, I didn't pee in the shower. Well, not that time.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? I want to make crockpot (whole) chicken tomorrow, but does it get all soggy with nasty looking skin? That's what I don't want.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? That's nothing. I once killed a man while having sex. Circle of life indeed.