Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Not only are they shooting 3D on the Hobbit, they're shooting at 48 FPS. James Cameron was like "holy shit, let's shoot everything at 48!!!" and Jackson heard about it and said "Okay!!!" I guess we'll see what they look like, I'm afraid of that "soap opera" look but hey, if Peter Jackson wants to do it then by all means I'll sit quietly until it's completed.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? No there is just issues with the way trumotion adds frames between frames to smooth shit out, not too sure how technically correct that sentence is. It's a problem with the TVs not the cameras filming the movies.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? At 48 frames they can deliver true 24 fps to each eye. They can also easily drop every other frame for a standard 2D 24 fps picture. Basically they're just capturing as much information as possible, and then they'll decide how to use it in post for a given delivery format.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? No, I understand that, I was just saying that extra frames= "soap opera" DV look sometimes, if not used properly. I'm just waiting to see how it all plays out, changing the entire paradigm of typical film shooting is rather interesting.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? I just realized that when I get really frustrated and can't find something in the house, I think to myself, "Where the fuck is the fucking fuck?!?!" Even in my brain I get too frustrated to use my words.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? My mother has decided that the way to make more profit for my coffee business is to sell mugs at craft fairs. This was all well and good until somehow I got roped into running a table. I've been here since 9, and I can't wait to start drinking. Heavily.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Why does the new boy have to have the same bad relationship habits of the old boy? Me thinks that drinking is a good idea since we're having a Come to Jesus meeting after he gets off work tonight. Also, someone PLEASE explain to me the phenomenon where as soon as I'm off the market the men come out of the fucking woodwork. WHy and how do yall do that? Am I giving off pheromones? Is it a secret underground communication system that I'm unaware of?
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? I know that feeling. I'm pretty sure you just become more aware of the fact that you are taken, but I could be wrong.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? It's not uncommon for a FWB to contact me out of the blue every so often but in the past 2 or 3 weeks I've heard from 8 of them. We're talking hookups I haven't seen in over two years. In other news, I've drank enough that my lady spot is tingly.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? You've been dating this guy for 5 minutes and a come to haysoos meeting is already necessary? Methinks you should run for the hills.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? A) Maybe it's not them who has the habits, but... B) I know what you mean. Not two weeks after I became single, a girl I had only exchanged a few facebook messages with four years ago sent me a message with her phone number and an invitation to hang out so she can show me around the city I'm moving to. I'm only slightly suspicious. In other news, I changed the oil on the bike. I feel like Tim "The Toolman" Taylor. Then I tried to bump-start it, and failed.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? My son today in the car: "I like this song. It's one of my favorites. But what does it mean? You know, when he says, "I got mooooooo-oooo-oooo-ves flap jacks, sir"?"
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Don't sweat it. Short term sacrifice for long term gain. Specifically, you'll have plenty of time to drink beer after law school is over and you're unemployed. It won't be Belgian beer (unless PBR is Belgian), but we all have our crosses to bear...
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? I'm not ready to run just quite yet but the exit strategy is planned. I've been subtle so far and that hasn't worked so I'm stepping it up. *And it's been close to three months, for the record. If the drinking continues, I'll be in no shape to be a bitch. I'll halfass make a point and then I'll get distracted and take my clothes off.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? I've been making good use of my unemployment by making my way through shows that have been on for a while that I haven't gotten around to watching yet. So far I've done Parks and Recreation (which is AWESOME), Louie (which is taking me a while because I really WANT to like it, but I can't really get into it so far), and now I'm on to Community. I think I'm going to have nightmares about their human mascot. That thing is terrifying. Next I think it'll be my third time trying with The Wire. I know it's supposed to be the best show ever, but it's so dense. Although I had the same initial reaction to Mad Men, so I'm going to keep trying at least through the first season. I'm going to a Guy Fawkes Day party tonight where everyone gets a bag full of free classic Brit lit books. Have I convinced you all that I really do live in Brooklyn and am REALLY, REALLY COOL yet? I couldn't find my shot glass so I just accidentally made myself the strongest drink.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Seriously, this was stated and NOBODY bothered to bring it to light? For shame...