Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Easily, Joe. I have fewer hours that belong to me on Monday than I do on Saturday. And you should tell the fat girls that you're only interested in a threesome. There's a story for the grandkids. Not to mention, you could earn yourself a new bad ass nickname like Captain Ahab. With a little advice on safe harpoon techniques from Scootah, this could be you:
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? I yelled to the roommate I like the least out in the living room from my room to make me pancakes and bacon and bring them to me, but for some reason he's not responding.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Early reports of earthquake damage are coming in, For those that don't know, Central(ish) Oklahoma was ROCKED by a 5.6M earthquake. Pretty bad destruction:
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Holy shit, it's not even 1PM and I already can't think straight from booze. I've either won or lost, I can't tell yet.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? I'm sure it's not as fun as getting dragged around Christmas Tree Shop by your girlfriend, and then getting yelled at for picking out the wrong wine rack.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Why are you there in the first place? You should send her with her friends. If all else fails if it's the Manchester store I can send my GF to shop with her and keep her company, she loves that stupid shit.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? There are plenty of really cool small dogs. Saying they all suck is just silly. This dog knows what I'm talking about:
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Everyone here is talking about feeling the earthquake last night. Um, I didn't even know my own name last night. I was happily passed out thanks to a bottle of merlot.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Yeah that's the one. Maybe our ladies can get together and talk about our laziness an lack of decor at home? Oh well, after that I was treated to this: Spoiler
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? My GF would NEVER do something like that, she'd just bitch about my drinking problem and inability to do errands after work. Good stuff, but I think we have less than twenty minutes before we get a lecture on how the New Haven one is 7,000 times better (which I can't verify either way).
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? I don't know who put this under the board title, but they deserve a high five from Jesus.