I just didn't like it...all that was available was Keystone or Natty...and I didn't like the taste. Other than that...there wasn't anything... And, I was raised by a Southern Baptist. Of ALL THE THINGS she impressed upon me as being bad, alcohol and weed were what stuck.
I still don't really enjoy beer after my first experience with it. Bud Light for the record. I was puking so hard I missed the game of strip foosball with my buddies hot older sister and her hotter friend. Sad times. My mom was/is big no alcohol and drugs. I showed her! At least on the booze thing. Yet to cross the drug line. And at this point in my life it is just not worth it. I'm glad I got off the church habit early. We were only Methodists, but still.
Oh, I like beer now, I just don't like shitty beer. I refuse to drink that horse piss my dad has at his place. Unless we're building / running fence. Then I'll take what I get.
I don't think I will ever come around to beer. I have to drink so much of it to get where I need to be it isn't even worth it. I mean I will still drink it, but it will never be as important as whiskey.
Gotcha. See, since apparently every once in a blue moon my body is going to freak out and not handle alcohol well, I figure I'll stick to beer and softer stuff except on special occasions. Or something like that. Of course, I say that and I'll cheerfully go home and drink an appletini or something before I pass out in the morning...
Is it acceptable to do this after a night shift? If so my weekends are about to get a whole lot more interesting. Continuing this country music theme. Here is my latest find:
hey, if my workday ends outside the social norms, then fuck the social norms when it comes to drinking. I'm having a line of this song tattooed...somewhere. Haven't decided where yet.
Songs like that remind me of how fun Mexico was even a few years ago. You would have to pay me to go back now. My favorite Robert Earl Keen:
That song...was playing in the restaurant the night The Guy and I got together. We went to see REK live a few weeks ago, and it was right before he decided to pull his head out of his ass, so we still had the drama going on but he was coming around. REK started playing it and The Guy grabbed me and hugged me and held me while he was singing it and I was just...leaking tears. I love that song.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I need to live in a place where I can go to some shows. I got to see Pat Green once, but I was in a shitty mood and it sort of ruined the whole night. It's official. Amanda Shires is straight fire.
Between that and Gringo Honeymoon...I was a mess. There's a line in Gringo Honeymoon - "I was wishing that the world would stop when you said...we'd better go..." I think there are times that are just so perfect...whether it's holding a newborn child, kissing your lover, spending a day in a hammock just breathing and being...something...where you just want to stop the world and take it all in and never let that moment pass. I see it when I look at my children. There are times when the moment just IS...and I never want to let it go. Then real life kicks in and time marches on, whether I want it to or not. If I'm lucky, I have a moment or two like that a week. I just have to be smart enough to acknowledge them and savor them.
Pretty sure that the ONLY adult supervision for these kids (15 year olds) just grabbed a sleeping bag and passed out. That part of the night is NOT my job. Is it utterly bitchy of me to go over and tell her "Ma'am, I understand and respect that you've probably had a long day, but I need to you stay awake to monitor these guys." Please note: That's going to happen anyway, I just want an idea of the bitch meter before I do it.
If you say it like that not so bitchy. But your right. It doesn't matter. If she says: who do you think you are? You must respond: I'm the lady who does her job, you must be the other one.
I won all their money at poker. Then we went to a Mediterranean grill for snacks. PS Maker's Mark is SMOOTH.
She was totally in like...relaxed state drooling sleep. After assuring me, when she grabbed her sleeping bag, that she wasn't going to go to sleep. Whatever lady. You organized it, it's not like it's a HUGE SURPRISE that you'd be up all night.