Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? I used to be 167 pounds and about 6'2". Not flattering. My friends were fat and kept getting fatter and sweatier. They made fun of me so goddamned bad I started lifting. While I was 190lbs they were still 290 and had those fat eyes. You know how a person is so fat their cheeks look like they're about to swallow the eye sockets and they get all squinty, kind of like a sharpei dog.
Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Dinner with the husband was grrrreat, btw, you dicks. Now I'm watching super hero movies and working on my drunk.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Oh right. I should have recognized you from your profile picture. Don't worry, we can be skinny together.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Do you blow away when it is windy? Does the teacher in charge of the kinder gardeners on a field trip to the museum tell you to get back in line?
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Are you in reality just a super intelligent fetus? Were you part of a litter of septuplets and happened to be the runt (who never caught up)?
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Shut the fuck up Zyron or I'll sit on you in the most non sexual way. It might actually kill you.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? I think the kid is hispanic. Either way I just wanted to post his flubbery little picture. Christ, the kid has segments instead of limbs like the Staypuft Marshmellow man. Whatever. It's glandular. Problem for a skinny guy bulking up is all the weight goes directly to the stomach. So he's still got a bird like, concave chest, but this huge pot belly. So he has the physique like a malnourished 80 year old. What is he, The Flying Nun?
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? HAHA! I have beat myself up far more, both literally and figuratively, than I ever have any other human in existence. Or Ballsack. Even he persevered! I still have nothing witty to say (though I'm sure some of you will argue that I never have anything witty to say) but I'm working on it.
Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? I wish there was a drunk needle I could stab myself with so I didn't have to waste all this time playing with beer bottles.