I love him, but did anyone else think it was funny watching Brady belly flop on that unexpected snap?
Jesus, are we really discussing ballsack and anal irritation and nobody's brought up the obvious joke yet? You're letting me down, guys.
No kidding. If I was willing to use the fire pit in my back yard, and if I knew how to upload a video from my phone, I'd burn a hairbrush while saying a prayer and post it. Enough.
I love you too. If we were on a playground, I would pull your hair. Instead, here is this evenings offering. (I posted this last night after "Crazy Girl")
Does anyone have any experience with having the "you should probably move out" conversation with a roommate with it ending up being the least awkward and/or rageful shitshow as possible? It's becoming increasingly apparent this needs to happen soon. I went to the chocolate show today and my tummy still hurts from all of the chocolate and alcohol. Best first world problem ever.
Your solution is to get married. And then ask the roommate to move out so that your husband can move in. Gives you a serious leg to stand on.
Tell them they have to move out so you can house more backpackers. There's a hot Serbian with only a few confirmed ethnic cleansing kills that needs their room for a weekend. Reassure the roommate this is perfectly reasonable and sexy.
HA. I tried to get my room mate to get lost over Christmas break while El Fiance will be here on leave. That kid is about 5'5", 100lbs. El Fiance told me he's just going to pick him up by the scruff and loss him out the front door. That whole situation was a shitstorm.