Just had quite a few belly laughs at this weekend's postings. Thank you TiB for the much needed laughs. Here's some awesome music.
Here's some awesomer music: Seriously, I can't get this song out of my head. And I mean that in a good way.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down_on_the_Corner Jesus. How can I take back that green dot? Nevermind. Your posted version is.....well, it's music. What else has Jerry Reed done?
I take it back. He wrote a song that one of my favorite bands covered. (Best live intro ever) "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Wormy Dog this evening."
Not bad, dixie, not bad. Tonight, however, I'm needing some of my good buddy Jerry, and wanting to share. Went to a party with my wife tonight. I never realized between my bartending at a country club, and her teaching at a school in the ghetto (plus the fact that the school and the country club are all of 2 miles down the road from one another), we have much more interesting work stories than most couples. Here's some more Jerry. It's cool, Nitwit. My sister sent me that link to his cover of "Down On The Corner". I'm just a huge Jerry Reed fan. Very underrated as an artist. Plus, he was in ALL 3 Smokey and the Bandit movies, and was the other coach in The Waterboy. How can anyone not realize his genius?
I'm game if you don't mind a bit of ginger in your life. On another night the NFL gods have been good to me today getting 7 out of 8 for a profit of $866. Happy boy.
This is how we learn. Keep posting your favorite songs of his. (and if you think of it...some tits too.)
Haven't been looking at teh pron much lately. Wifey wants to get preggers, so I'm saving release to make it count.
I do want a kid. Just a little nervous. I mean, I'm nearly 30, but I don't feel 30. Plus, I want to be able to provide the best possible life for my family. Honestly, if I won the lottery tomorrow or knew I'd be financially set for life, I'd be ready in a heartbeat. That's my only reservation.
If you love that girl, you do it. If you don't, don't. The rest will take care of itself. I don't usually listen to mainstream country; and damnit if this is'nt the second night in a row I've said this.
Well here's the really big part: how do you feel about the wife? If you feel secure with her, then I guess having a kid isn't that big a deal (as long as y'all are financially secure). But if you don't feel secure with the wife (if you think there's a chance you might want to split up with her later) then a kid is the wrong way to go. And I'm out for now. If you have more to ask me, message me, and I will get back to you tomorrow.
I know this was like, several pages ago. But, I wanted to congratulate Flagrant on that upgrade. I'm not an audio visual technology expert, but, forty feet is a LOT bigger than twenty-seven inches. Is your living room a sports arena? Because, that's really cool if it is. How are you compensating for the loss of the NBA games? Are you going to try to book more wrestling gigs?