Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? If you aren't wearing high heels while you do all that shit, you're a terrible wife. Ladies, when you're in stirrups and the doctor is hairy knuckle deep in your wahoo as you give birth... if you're not in heels you have failed as a woman. I want you looking FABULOUS for the episiotomy. On a side note Sleeping With the Enemy is on.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? That's an idea. Lucite heels and pearls. I think it would accentuate my vagina well.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Cooking is fun. Cleaning kinda sucks. I will cook for anyone if they agree to clean. I'll even wear heels.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Is it bad that I enjoy cleaning? As El Fiance has so named it, come night time, I tweak the fuck out and start a frenzy of unstoppable cleaning, the power of which rivals a Hoover vacuum.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Why the phone gotta be white though? No. It is so good. Though I will say other people cleaning makes me feel guilty and start cleaning too.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Bewildered - want to come vacuum my house? I had the motivation when I got home, but then it kind of went away when the wine came out.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? True. Sometimes you want to sleep through that kind of thing though.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Oh Honey Bunny, I totally would. Buy me a plane ticket. We can wine excessively and then I can vacuum to my heart's content. IT WUOLD BE A GAY AFFAIR.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Are you coming on to me? Because I'll kick the boyfriend out of the house for the night. We can have a pillow fight and pajama party and broadcast it on skype.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Whenever we had parties at my best friend's house, I'd wake up extra early, make coffee, and CLEAN EVERYTHING. See, even my timing is perfect. She was asleep and had no time to feel guilty.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? I have never had a pillow fight. Are they fun? I want to! But only if we get footy pajamas.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? I don't understand the cleaning hate. It's not difficult or laborious. The only exception is sweeping. Mine is pretty fucked from cat hair so I have to sweep the majority of the house with the hose. THAT is a bitch. Especially in heels. Otherwise I go through the joint well at least once a month. Every guy I know is a straight up pig. They're one step away from living in their own excrement. Animal hair so thick on the floor it looks like carpet? Check. Moldy plates? Check. One guy actually had his entire bathroom covered in hair and mold. Hoarding trash because he's too lazy to bring it to the curb? Check. Rats? seen it. Standing water that smells like fucking death? Check. Laundry piles 3 feet high? Yep. One guy and his fat girlfriend got so bad she kept her tampons in a bag by the shitter. He found a slice of petrified pizza behind his computer monitor when she moved out. Another fella started a compost pile for his garden... on his kitchen sink. In his defense he used a plate. The kicker was my best friend who refused to walk his dog so he let it shit on doggy diapers, then left the bag full of diapers on his vestibule.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? I will trade sex for cleaning every day of the week. I will also cook, and I am good at explaining rap lyrics. LADIES. And CJ. I clean because I have to, but I don't really derive any enjoyment from it.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? I recaaaaaall Central Park in faaaall How you tore your dress What a mess I confess
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? In Canada, after November 1, there really are no other kinds of pajamas.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? Sigh, we really would never work together. Cooking in exchange for others cleaning is what I do too. Fun fact: I'm also great at explaining rap lyrics.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? fuck. I refuse to read that whole thing. I will say that I was talking to one of my buddies and he said that his friends (mid 20s) were fucking gross. And then they got a girlfriend and suddenly started behaving like a normal human. Apparently the mere presence of a lady makes guys not act like animals.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Nov 4-6? No. It's like boxing with Andre the Giant. It's all fun and games for the first couple of minutes until someone calls someone else a 2 bit whore with cheap extensions and then there's hair pulling and biting and... (Holy FUCK! I'm not a violent person! Really!!!!)