I never participate in these...but I'm currently watching the Ducks put a beating on Cal & I've poured the first glass of scotch. Cheers!
Spent all day yesterday building a fire in the back yard. One of our lilac bushes got knocked over in the hurricane so we burned the wood. My family has a lot of pyromaniacs, so it was really fun.
A normal martini on its own tastes like lighter fluid. This version is even worse because Fleming was a notorious drunk, sucking down a fifth of gin a day towards the end. 100 proof vodka and 90 proof gin, mixed with what is basically a dash of dry, sour wine, and a sliver of lemon peel. I hope you like raw liquor. The Esquire recipe uses Quinine for some reason. I've never seen that before in a Vesper. I suggest not doing that. Bitters should never touch a martini either. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.drinkboy.com/Cocktails/Recipe.aspx?itemid=164" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.drinkboy.com/Cocktails/Recip ... itemid=164</a> Drink Boy also has a wonderful write-up on the cocktail. In fact peek around Drink Boy for something far more palatable.
I probably made 12 Vespers last night. They are one of the 'featured' drinks we do at the bar I work at. For a 3 oz martini (where a shot is 1 oz, mixed drink is a 1.5 oz pour, rocks pour is 2 oz, and a martini 3 oz - if the shot pour is 1.5 oz, adjust accordingly) I do the following: Bluecoat Gin - 1.5 oz Kettle One Vodka - 1 oz Lillet - .5 oz Shake the piss out of it with ice. Garnish with Lemon wedge with quick removed. I thought it was a decent enough martini, if that's your thing.
Yes. "Hey babe. Love to to pieces - but I really can't afford the dress you picked. If that's the one you're heart set to have, I totally understand but I'll have to step out of the bridal party." If she's a good and rational person, she'll understand. If she's not...well. At least you have some insight into her character.
Bluecoat is a very solid gin choice for a martini. I had to stop drinking martinis though because I look like an asshole drinking cocktails up. Tumblers only. Got a last minute invite to the Eagles game. Club box = free beer. Can I drink enough to dull the pain of watching this Eagles team? I think not, but that won't stop me from trying.
I don't care about any college football teams, but I do know I like seeing teams score lots of points very quickly, so until that stops being their MO... GO DUCKS
That A&M game was the shit. Also Mizzou won. Granted it was against Tennessee but beggers and choosers and all of that. It was a great day in college football yesterday. Today I am concerned that I am too hungover to live. So many shots last night. So many shots.
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/user/vat19com?v=Nwt6OrQHj6Q[/youtube] I'm ordering this for Christmas. I may keep it for myself.
Jesus Doggystyle Christ it is 1pm and I'm still shitfaced from last night. Some worthless cougar kept chasing me around whenever my wife was away from sight, I wanted to fucking stun-gun her.when I mean, you you tell somebody "FUCK OFF" they don't have to take the hint. ThERE IS NO HINT. I'm telling you as plain as day "You are an annoying, drunken booze hag that looks like Paul Hogan. Go. Away."
Fuck sakes. Our pastor up and quit this morning. I hate breaking in a new Jesus rep right before the holidays.
I love how when you force stop an app on Android it says, "If you force stop an app, it might misbehave. Oh you naughty fantasy football app, you.
I hear ya. Our priest quit about a month ago after he had a mild stroke. He had been doing two parishes so he was overworked I guess. Here's to an awkward Christmas mass.
Some are chanters, some cut out (or add) giant chunks of the liturgy based on "creative and spiritual license"... I've outlasted 8 pastors at this point. It's just awkward to try to figure out a new guy's quirks right at Christmas when everything's already so hectic. It usually takes an organist and a pastor at least 2-3 months to learn each others' idiosyncrasies. Juice - our guy has been running a dual parish for 2 months now and claims he was overworked. Granted, if he was doing his job properly, the church wouldn't be going broke and looking to solutions like dual parishes to keep afloat. It's best in the long run, it's just really shitty timing.